BE-1434 College In 2025

Top BE-1434 College In India 2025

List of 7 College In India

If you are looking for the best BE-1434 College in India then this is where your search stops. Students interested in pursuing a post graduation in engineering with the degree of Masters in Technology can check out the list of top BE-1434 colleges in India here. The admission procedure, fee structure, scholarships awarded, courses offered, and application process is also given here.There are innumerable great M.Tech colleges inIndia which have received top ranks in various fields over the years. These top BE-1434 colleges.India have the best facilities to offer to their students.

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CD Rank College Course Fees Placement User Reviews Ranking
#1 ₹ 62,500

Placement :

#1 NIRF 2021
#1 1.4 L to 1.6 l per year
#1 NIRF 2021
#1 3,45,100

RGUHS Placements

RGUHS provides excellent placement opportunities to the students by inviting various recruiters including hospitals, NGOs, and companies to its placement program. Most of the recruitments were done in the fields of Medical, Healthcare, and hospital sectors with a combined percentage of 47.83%.


The University has a well-functioning Placement cell and provides the students wth the following placement services:

Pre-placement training for students like writing a CV and facing personal interviews
Arranging Medical Guest Lectures
Organizing Industrial Visits at other medical institutions and hospitals
Develop Personality of the students by imparting the need-based training for improving their knowledge about the Medical Sector
Exploring opportunities for summer internship exercises for students in medical fields

The Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) provides excellent placement opportunities to the students by inviting various recruiters, including hospitals, NGOs, and businesses, to participate in its placement program. The highest salary package offered in the MBBS program was 18 lakh per annum whereas the average salary package was 12.5 lakh per annum.

#1 NIRF 2021
#1 32000

According to, Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College in Erode had a 96.36% placement percentage for the 2022 academic year, with 159 students being placed. The college has 12 recruiters, 5 Labs, and more than 6 extra-curricular activities. Some of the companies that have placed students from the college include:
Aqua Sub Engineering
Sakthi Automotive Group
Jj Electrical Work
ENoah ISolution
Super Auto Forge
VDA Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd.
Wipro Technologies
Cognizant Technologies Solutions
Avalon Technologies

#1 NIRF 2021
#1 300000

ABHYUDAY, The Department of Counselling, Welfare, Training & Placement
Abhyuday-The Department of Counselling, Welfare, Training & Placement consists of a Department Head, a full-time Counsellor, an Office Superintendent, Placement Executive, Faculty coordinators, committed Staff and student volunteers who work towards student well-being. Campus recruitment first began in 1994 with Kirloskar Snydergenral as the first company to visit campus to recruit two students. Now the numbers have skyrocketed to 200+ companies visiting the campus and making 1200 +job offers to our students.

The Department conducts programs that help the students enhance their knowledge and equip themselves with industry-relevant skills and technology. Soft skills training is arranged to help the students ace the selection process and give them a superior edge in the competitive job markets. Non-placed students are assisted with placements for a year after their graduation through 'Off-Campus' initiatives and referrals.

Team Abhyuday does everything positively possible to help students get placed in their dream job by using and creating internal resources, and engaging students in volunteering activities throughout their campus stay. The Alumni generously & readily share their knowledge, skills and expertise, whenever sought. The team has been proactive in placing students through the years. Orientation programs for fresh entrants, training programs in leadership, public speaking, effective communication and mock interviews are conducted regularly, thereby preparing students for placements.

Abhyuday seeks to ensure the holistic growth of every student for which it undertakes various activities like programs to spot talents, encourage leadership and enhance self-esteem.assisting specific needs of students directly or by utilising peers, senior students, alumni, industry mentors, faculty, friends of NMAMIT, social media and the library,designing student programs and engaging in delivering relevant training modules from the time they enter the portals of NMAMIT, therapeutic help for students, remedial programmes for non-placed, non-IT students by faculty and placed students,Employability Readiness Programme, facilitating industrial training/ internship for students, pooled campus drives to assist the neighbouring colleges, preparation for higher studies & the armed force, initiation/support of Student development activities & clubs, placement registration and updates through internal android/web platforms, orientation for students to help them belong boosts morale, seek help and work on deficient areas,preparation for placements - Crack the Campus (Aptitude, Technical Round, HR Interview,Group Discussions); Address by industry experts and alumni,community service through Peer Learning for academically poor students.

NMAMIT has collaborated with various reputed Japanese Organizations to provide career opportunities in international markets. These collaborations started with MoUs with the University of Miyazaki and Ritsumeikan University since 2013, with the exchange of students, faculty and internship, including higher studies in Japanese Universities. The activities include Sakura-Science programs.

The Japanese industry-related activities started in 2019, with leading Japanese companies taking the final year students for internship, leading to hiring. During the first year, we could place 12 freshers in these companies and the placement slowed down in 2020 and 2021. As of now, we have a total of 35 placements in various Japanese companies, and the prediction for the coming year is 50+.

Top companies that assist our students in international placements are AIBOD, Nidec Read corporation, Yokogawa Electric, Sasken Technologies, Kobayashi Create, Forent Inc., P&C Tech., Mamiya IT Solutions, Japan Research Institute, Miraic, ANDPAD Inc., PLAN-B Inc., Bravesoft, GA Technologies, SANTEC Corporation.

Foreign languages are also taught in the college to make the students globally attractive. From 2019, the Japanese Language is being taught to interested students by experts who possess living and work experience in Japan. This has enabled international placements significantly, in reputed organizations.

Abhyuday helps those in need directly or by utilizing tangible and intangible resources available with peers, senior students, alumni, industry mentors, enthusiastic faculty, friends of NMAMIT, the library & the internet. Students with personal problems are assisted to resolve or minimize their problems through consistent supportive - therapeutic help. They are assisted even after they leave the campus. Abhyuday envisages a harmonious and collaborative world for all its associates.

#1 NIRF 2021
#1 25,00,000

The purpose of the cell is to develop/train the students so that the student will be competent enough for recruitment and to facilitate the students to choose the right career or assist the students finding the job.

To guide students to choose right career
Recruitment activities/To assist students in obtaining placement
To give knowledge, skill and aptitude to the students
To assist students to develop/clarify their academic and career interests
Identifying the needs and expectations of the companies to assist them in recruiting most suitable candidates
Maintaining and regularly updating database of students.

#1 NIRF 2021
#1 59,000

Placements at Vels University   

 Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS) is a representation of knowledge and possibilities. It is one of the prestigious, high-grade multidisciplinary University in Chennai. The university secures the highest number of placements offers in the region. Being the Top-ranked University in Chennai, VISTAS gives placement coaching and essential soft skills training to students from various schools of Engineering, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Arts and Sciences, Law, Physiotherapy and Pharmacy. Every year more than 3000 students engage in the job placement program out of which Vels University presents assured placement for 90% of students and 10% prefer for higher education or entrepreneurship as a career. The highest salary package nears 8 Lakh INR per annum and the standard is closer to 5 Lakh INR per annum. The High-level product-based companies and most significant tech titans are our Prime Recruiters. We have specially designed the Employability Skill Development Programs for VELS students to enrich their knowledge and skills.

Campus Recruitment
The Central Training and Placement Cell of VISTAS is committed to the professional progress of our students. We integrate career-related topics within our academic environment. This helps students in finding multiple ways to choose a successful career path. VISTAS – The Multifaceted University offers various personality development programs for the overall development and placement of the students. The Central Training and Placement Cell has the vision to secure good training opportunities and placements for the Engineering, MBA, Arts and Science, Life Science, and Pharmacy students. Every year more than 120 companies are visiting our campus with attractive salary packages. The CTC ranging from 8 Lakhs to an average of 5 Lakhs per annum.

Some of the top organizations and job recruiters, who have visited VISTAS for campus placements are TCS, Jaro education, Hexaware Technologies, Apollo Hospital, Pfizer, Photon Interactive, LH Global Hub Services Pvt Ltd, Atmces, Raetna Solutions, Apollo Pharmacy, IFB Industries Ltd, Wells Fargo Bank, CTS, Icon Clinical Research, Billroth Hospital, IBM, Object Frontier Software Pvt Ltd, Infosys, Madras Pharmaceuticals, Troikaa Pharmaceuticals, Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi Alliance, Invensis, Wipro, Vee Technologies, Alembic Pharmaceuticals, Konecranes & Demag, Bharath Logistics, Accenture, SKN Organics, Abbott Laboratories, Amazon, Pinclick, Capgemini, Domex e-Data, Annexmed, etc.

At Vels University, we continuously strive to assure that each student gets a job of his/her preference as per their qualification and ability. We are proud to share that VELS University is increasingly acknowledged by recruiters as one of the best universities. Vels University’s placement process aims to match the prerequisites of the job recruiters and the professional goals of the students.

The Procedure of Campus Placement Drive:

Skill Assessment / Aptitude Test (Normally written)
Group Discussion / Panel Interview
Technical Interview
HR Interview

Internship at VISTAS
Vels Institute of Science, Technology, and Advanced Studies encourage students to take up internships in different companies. In the final year of the course, students who undergo internships in both Core and IT domains are honored with a stipend. Internships help students to get proficiency in a particular domain and to get real-time experience on the job. It makes them aware of the best practices followed in enterprises. The opportunities for internships are provided through the placement cell as part of campus recruitment.

The stipend given on internship ranges from INR 8000 per month to INR 25000 per month.

Some of the organizations where our students have done internships are Goldman Sachs, Aditya Birla, IDBI, BTree Systems, ZIYO Digital, Apogee, FULL, Goldman Sachs, Team Everst, Cognizance, IDBI Federal, and United Nations.

#1 NIRF 2021

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