Augmented with a modern computer center, the department offers the best and updated practical training. It is well equipped with 6 diversified laboratories including a dedicated laboratory for the Post-Graduate students installed with a variety of software catering to the needs of the students and covering the curriculum specified by the affiliated University, Anna University. All the computers in the campus, including those in the hostels and department are connected by means of a network so that the students from the hostel and the staff and students from different departments can have direct access to the facilities in the Computer labs round the clock. This college is one of the first to provide such a campus-wide network facility. The Computer Center has licensed packages to facilitate work in UBUNTU & WINDOWS. Also, it has the commonly required latest licensed versions of ORACLE, VISUAL STUDIO AND MS OFFICE. All the computer labs are fully air conditioned with adequate centralized UPS backup. The laboratories include
1. BOT Lab

We have a wide lab with 21 HP PC with Core i5 processor, having 3.3 GigaHertz x 4 Speed, 1 TB HDD storage capacity and RAM of 16GB and printers. This lab is equipped with Windows 8 & Ubuntu Operating systems as Dual OS, Turbo C/ C++ , Java, MS Office, Visual studio and Android Studio. VMware player provides virtual environment to this lab. These softwares are utilized by the students for their programming laboratories such as Object oriented programming Lab, Data structures Lab, operating system, System software lab according to their academic curriculum. The Programming language lab is fully air conditioned with adequate centralized UPS backup.
Practical Courses Conducted:
System Software Lab
System Software Lab helps to deal with a set of program that controls and manages the hardware components of the computer system. This lab enables the students to explore the internal working of the computer system. It includes language translator like assembler, compiler programs, preprocessor programs like handling macros, text editing programs, implementation of the program that loads the first code on to memory etc. This Lab enables students to work with system level programs. The programs are implemented using C++ or C language.
Object Oriented Programming Lab
The major motivating factor in the invention of Object Oriented approach is to remove difficulties encountered in the procedural approach. It ties data more closely to the functions that operate on it and protects it from modification of outside function. Functions of one object can be accessed by the functions of other object. Windows platform is used to implement static members and methods, friend function, operator overloading, dynamic memory allocation, copy constructor, assignment operator overloading, destructor, linked list, sorting techniques, exception handling and prim’s algorithm using C++.
Data Structures Lab
For Data Structure lab students developed codes in C language and Turbo C software in Windows operating systems. Students implemented the theory concepts of Data Structure such as Linked list, Stack, Queue, Trees, Sorting in lab as Programming codes .These concepts helps the students to develop many projects.
Operating Systems Lab
Operating Systems are an essential part of any computer system. Similarly, a course on Operating Systems is an essential part of any computer science education. This field is undergoing change at a breathtakingly rapid rate, as computer are now prevalent in virtually every application, from games for children through the most sophisticated planning tools for governments and multinational firms. UNIX platform was used to implement system calls, I/O system calls, UNIX commands, process scheduling, inter process communication, semaphore, memory management and file allocation using high level language C.

Internet Programming lab contains 36 PC with Intel Pentium Dual core E5400 Processor, having 160 Gigabyte storage capacity and RAM of 2GB and printers. This lab is embraced with Turbo C/C++, Java, MS office, Apache Tomcat Webserver, Windows 7 OS Advanced Multimedia softwares such as Photoshop, Flash. These softwares are utilized by the students for their programming laboratories such as Internet programming Lab, Networks lab, Computer Graphics Lab.VMware player provides virtual environment to this lab. The Programming language lab is fully air conditioned with adequate centralized UPS backup. This lab specializes in internet technologies and database requirements needed for web designing and launching of the portals designed by the students. This lab specializes in systems engineering and testing of the networks and their simulations testing the quality of the models established.
Practical Courses Conducted:
Networks Lab
Network Lab uses NS2 simulator and Telnet(C Program). Telnet enables each user to easily type programs and which are saved at the server side. Networking concepts and protocols are implemented in telnet program. It is used for studying data transmission along with data rates, collision, congestion etc. Simulation software like NS2 is used. It enables us to build a network that enables us to view data transmissions and efficiency.
Internet Programming Lab
Internet Programming Lab enables students to design web pages using HTML elements and Cascading Style sheets. This describes the presentation semantics of a document written in a markup language. Helps students to know more about JavaScript programming because in most of web browsers Java script programs are used to interact with documents contained with it.
Computer Graphics
Fundamental algorithms for the representation and display of two dimensional and three dimensional graphics objects are presented here. And different methods were examined for producing basic picture components and techniques for adjusting size, color and other objects attributes. This introduces students to the programming techniques necessary for implementing graphics routines .Programming examples were written in C and features of graphics libraries, OPENGL functions are used to demonstrate the implementation and applications of the graphics algorithms.
3. Post Graduate lab

PG Lab provides knowledge in Hardware, Networking, Open source environment, middleware technologies, Computer graphics, Object oriented concepts and Java, etc., to the students and it promotes them to develop the software and applications in a most efficient manner. These labs are well equipped with the latest HP computers Intel Pentium CPU G630 @2.70 GHz, servers with high speed internet connectivity. Guidance is provided to the students by a team of experienced faculty members and lab technicians. This lab is equipped with Windows 7 OS, CISCO Packet Tracer, Turbo C/ C++,Fedora, Ecllipse IDE, Minix, Weenix, E-cos, Rational Rose. We have a total of 51 systems in this lab.
Practical Courses Conducted:
Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab
The main purpose of OOAD Lab is to divide a large project in to small modules and representing then using various diagrams. The diagram can be generated by using UML (Unified Modeling Language). It includes various diagrams like Use-case diagram, Activity etc. UML is a visual language for specifying, constructing and documenting the artifact of a system. The applications such as ATM system, E-Book system, Library Management System have been represented using UML diagrams. For diagrammatic representation, rational rose enterprise edition software is used. For implementation, Visual Basic is used.
Java Lab
Java Lab enables students to get familiar with Java and OOPs Concept. In this lab inheritance and polymorphism concepts are used to create new classes that are built on existing classes. Interfaces and packages are used for Graphical programming to design forms. Multithreading concepts are used for improving processor performance by executing more threads simultaneously.

The Computer Center - I is equipped with 67 Computer systems with 66 Numbers of Hp Pro 3330 Micro Tower PC, one IBM X226 Server and Dot-matrix Printers .All the systems and Peripherals are under LAN connection. Lab is Air-conditioned with the capacity of 15 tons and has the uninterrupted power supply system for backup. All the systems having 100 Mbps Broad band Internet, so that students get benefit for downloading data from the internet. The Lab has 1 Gbps UTP LAN under structured cabling with intelligent switches. This lab is designed especially for first year students.

The Computer Center - II is equipped with 63 Computer systems with 55 Numbers of Hp Intel Corei3 4130 Micro Tower PC, eight Lenovo Corei3 3.4 GHz processor and Dot-matrix Printers .All the systems and Peripherals are under LAN connection. Lab has the uninterrupted power supply system for backup. All the systems having 100 Mbps Broad band Internet, so that students get benefit for downloading data from the internet. The Lab has 1 Gbps UTP LAN under structured cabling with intelligent switches. This lab is designed especially for Networks Lab & first year students.

In terms of the technology, we literally built the new laboratory with the latest technology “Thin Client” in which the virtual desktop provides an alternative to a traditional desktop infrastructure to a more virtualized environment. Using them puts highly reliable robust hardware in the hands of students. There is no hard drive. “We just don’t have physical failure. Reliability is excellent”. Smart board facility available. This lab is mainly intended for Theory cum Lab sessions.
Practical Courses Conducted:
Database Management and Systems Lab
In DBMS lab students developed the codes in VB. Oracle 11g, SQL Server,DB2 are the back end tools and the platform is Windows 7 professional. By using DBMS along with Visual Basic, the students can create own forms, Menus and reports. Students can design database using table creation, insert, update and delete command. The database can be accessed by using Queries. The DBMS concepts were useful for students for developing many projects.
7. Open Source Lab
Open Source Lab provides academics, students and open source enthusiasts with facilities for collaboration, project planning and development of open source software and helps them to solve the infrastructural and logistical problems associated with software project web presence, hosting, content management, backups, and source code control. To enhance the teaching and learning process, Smartboard facility is available. The lab constitutes of 72 nodes. The nodes are loaded with necessary software’s with appropriate General public license requirements satisfying the needs of laboratory requirements of Anna University. This lab specializes in open source technologies needed for kernel development. The open source lab helps the students to transform themselves into entrepreneurs. All the required software/documentation/tools (Example: remote installation/trouble shooting, etc) are available locally, for quick access which helps conserve internet bandwidth. This lab has a virus free environment to work in. FOSS lab server offers built-in-networking functionality, DHCP, DNS, LDAP, web server Q-mail for intranet mail, samba server, DSpace with video streaming and support for NPTEL videos, Spoken tutorial video materials to name a few. It is used to expose students to FOSS environment and introduce students to use open source packages. Various softwares used are Fedora Linux version, Ubuntu Linux, PHP & MySQL, LibreOffice, Latex, PostgreSQL, and SciLab.
8. R & D Centre

We have a Research lab with 16 HP PC with Core i5 processor, having 3.3 GigaHertz x 4 Speed, 1 TB HDD storage capacity and RAM of 16GB and printers. VMware player also provides virtual environment to this lab. This Lab and softwares are utilized by the PG students, Research Scholars and Faculty for their Research Activities.This lab is equipped with Windows 8 & Ubuntu Operating systems as Dual OS, Turbo C/ C++ , Java, MS Office, Visual studio , Android Studio and various other Research oriented Software Packages as follows :
3 | HADOOP 1.2.2 | UBUNTU |
5 | WEKA 3.8 | UBUNTU |
8 | MATLAB R2018 | WINDOWS |
15 | PSPP V20 | UBUNTU |
9. Machine Learning Lab
About the Lab
This lab is a centralized hub for development teams to seamlessly build, deploy, and operate machine learning solutions at scale. It is designed to cover the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle from data processing and experimentation to model training and deployment.
What is Machine Learning?
Machine Learning is a science that enables machines (especially computers) to learn from environments and make their own decisions.
In our Machine Learning Laboratory (MLL) we carry out research and develops different theoretical foundations for machine learning such as:
- Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Statistical Learning Theory, Multi-agent Systems, Game Theory, and Mechanism Design, Blockchains, Explainable and Fair AI.
- How machines and multi-agent systems should help in planning activities by learning from environments
- How learning gets affected if different machine learning and multi-agent systems algorithms are trying to compete instead of cooperating
- How machines should learn in the presence of a noisy environment or partial supervision
- Role of deep learning in planning, reinforcement learning, AI in game theory, blockchains and their applications
Machine Learning Lab Facilities
Software and hardware
- Workstation
- Visual Studio Code
- Anaconda Python
- PyTorch
- Tensorflow
10. Project Lab
The Project Lab is utilized for Hands-on Workshops and Projects. Faculty and students work on projects related to recent fields of study such as Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, Robotics, Machine learning, Deep Learning etc.
1. Van Rossum Lab
Work Station - 35
INTEL CORE I3 4130 CPU @ 3.40
2. 110 Nos of Lenovo V14 Laptop Intel Core i3- 100 5G1 Processor 10th Gen, 4 GB DDR4 Ram, 1 TB SATA Hard disk,

- Remote Center for NMEICT.
- Resource Center for Spoken Tutorials - IIT Bombay.
- Aakash Research Center with 246 Tablets .
- Clicker Server worth Rs.1 Lakh.
- E-Yantra Robotic Project Competition Team - “CURIOBOT CHENNAI STARS”.

No. of Titles | 593 |
No. of Volumes | 698 |
No. of Journals | 10 |
No. of Project Reports | 354 |
No. of CD's | 403 |