Chikkanna Government Arts College, Coimbatore - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement

Tiruppur , Tiruppur , Tamil Nadu - 641602

Welcome to Chikkanna Govt. Arts College

The memorable celebrities Mr. S. Ramasamy and K. N. Palanisamy with their team members initiated the establishment work for the college on July 1966. In continuance of this, “Chikkanna Chettiar Trust” donated Rs.500000/-. On Remembrance of this charity the college was named as Chikkanna Government Arts College. The college started functioning with the introduction classes, at Devangapuram Co-operative society building in the year 1966. The primary aim of the institution is to provide quality education, with focus on the learners from the downtrodden sections of society and the majority students belong to first generation learners.

The college is situated in the scenic and sprawling campus of 40 acres located at the heart of the dollar city, Tirupur. The college has its programmes to 15 at the UG level (English and Tamil medium), 11 at the PG level, 11 in M.Phil and 11 in Ph.D. The college is also running B.Sc (Computer Science) under Shift II. It has suitable class rooms, well equipped laboratories and a vast play ground offering ample scope for students The faculty comprises of a total of 85 members of whom 55 are holding Ph.D. Degrees. Most of the rest are undergoing Ph.D. Part-time programmes in the respective disciplines. The college has a team of 16 administrative staff and technicians.

Why Choose ?

Vision Of Our Institute
“To develop the institution into a premier and exemplary Centre of Higher Learning for rural and socio-economically backward students aimed at achieving a Knowledge Society with commitment to Nation Building"

Mission Of Our Institute
The collaborative learning community of Chikkanna Government Arts College, Tirupur will strive for

“Creating a Holistic Environment of Learning by making students Active Partners in the teaching-learning process ensuring every member to be a Perpetual Learner”.

“Providing Innovative, Appropriate and Effective instructions for students’ Personal and Professional success by inculcating Leadership Qualities leading to the Economic Enhancement of the region”.

“Ensuring the Teacher and the Taught, access to Technology, improvement in communicative Abilities, Critical Thinking and Applied Analysis”.

“Promoting a community culture of Kindness, Respect and Tolerance for Diversity in all its manifestations by nurturing ethical and moral values through Value Based Education”.

“Securing sufficient Financial and Material Resources and making optimal use of available resources in a responsive and responsible manner”.

Staying in tune with the advancement in Quality Education evinced by eminent Schools of Learning in the country


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Admission Process

Admission Procedure
The application form can be obtained from the College Office along with the Prospectus, and the card intimating the Dates for General Counselling for all the Courses, on payment of Rs. 25.00 (Rupees twenty five only).
Candidates from the SC / ST community can obtain the same free of cost on producing a photocopy of their community certificate
The application forms should be submitted within TEN working days to the College Office, after the declaration of the HSC (PLUS TWO) Results, failing which, the application will be treated as Late Application.
Photocopies (Xerox) of the application forms will not be accepted
The Application form should be duly completed in all aspects and no column should be left blank
Incomplete Applications will not be considered for Admissions.
The College follows the Government reservation norms in admitting the candidates.
Rank Lists are prepared based on the Part-III total (out of 400) secured by the candidate in the HSC examination and will be pasted in the college notice board.
The following certificates should be brought by the candidate on the day of counseling.
Mark sheets, Transfer Certificate, Community Certificate (latest with Gopuram seal) Conduct Certificate, Medical Certificate, Passport size photos, and attested photocopies of all the certificates.
Separate quotas are available for Physically Challenged, Sports (Priority for National Level and State Level), Tamil candidates from Andaman-Nicobar Islands and Ex-Servicemen.
Candidates opting for special quota reservation should produce sufficient proof in original.
If selected during counseling, the student should pay their fees on the same day of admission.
Students in need of hostel can apply for the same through the Deputy Warden, after the general admission.
In case of any malpractice or any disobedience found, the college has all rights to cancel the admission.


We have full-fledged Placement and Training cell, which monitors the employment opportunities and arrange campus interviews for the students.
To facilitate the process of placement & ensure that each eligible student gets an opportunity in the industry.
We have On Campus recruitment programme and we will be helping our students by arranging Off-Campus Interviews also.
The Placement officer also takes the initiative to organize workshops on personality development, tips for facing interviews and career guidance.


Details of Scholarship available to students of different communities :
To this department help to increase and improve information and communication network in this Globalization era, this would help our college to have an access to multimedia material in teaching & learning at places of eminence in India abroad.

Merit Scholarship
Tamil Meadium Stipend
Backward Classes Welfare Department scholarship for the Backward / Most Backward class community (Low income group students).
Government of India Scholarship for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe students.
Government of India National Scholarship to meritorious students. The selections are made by the Director of Collegiate Education based on the performance of the candidate in the Higher Secondary Examination.
Government of India National Scholarship to Children of Primary and Secondary School Teachers who have scored more than 75% in the Higher Secondary School Examination. State Collegiate Scholarship to physically handicapped students.
The Under Graduate and Post Graduate students of the following communities and categories are eligible for various scholarships and concession given below:-

Attendance % Required : 75 % and Above
Scheduled Caste
Scheduled Tribe
Most Backward Class
Backward Class
Differently Abled
Chief Minister's Prize Money
Bharathiar University - Kamaraj Merit
Scheduled Tribe
Scheduled Caste
Most Backward Class
Tuition Fee : EVR Nagammai Backward Class (UG Girls Only)
Indira Gandhi Scholarship
University Rank Holder
Agtricultural Labourers Scholarship
Single Girl Child in Family
Rank Holder in Department
Son/Daughter of Agricultural Labourers


Apart from classroom teaching, the college provides facilities like soft skills training programme, seminars, workshops, career counselling, extracurricular and extensive activities like NSS, NCC and competitive exam coaching for pupil's all round development.

College is situated in a sprawling 37 acre campus with a well-built granite stone based compound wall. There are 6 blocks (A, B, C, D, E & F) in the college campus as well as an indoor sports stadium and an upcoming outdoor stadium. These properties are solely owned by the Govt. of Tamilnadu under the care of the Head of the Institution. The maintenance of the campus itself is a huge task. The requirements for the maintenance yearly conveyed to the Public Works Department of State which in turn present the budget to the state government. Once approved by the government, the maintenance work immediately carried out by PWD. All these work will be monitored by the College PWD committee and the  Principal. The physical facilities are maximum utilized by various departments. Also twice in a year students of NSS unit of this college will be engaged in college campus maintenance as a part of their programme. If required, we can request the State Government through district collector to depute staffs to maintain the cleanliness of class rooms as well as the campus. Indoor and outdoor sports stadium are maintained by Sports Development Authority of Tamilnadu (SDAT).

Academic Facilities
Every year the government sanctions an amount for utilizing and maintenance of academic facilities such as Laboratory, Class rooms, Computers, Library etc. The governing council decides the allocation based on the specific needs of each department.

For laboratories, the funds are utilized for purchase of consumables as well as nonconsumables following the rules of state government. A record is maintained on the purchase as well as utilization of the materials. Lab technicians, store keepers and staff in charge are all involved in the process. Equipment maintenance are done by technicians from the concerned company. The students are allowed to use the Laboratories and the Computer facilities
following all safety protocols. Any damage to equipment or breakage is to borne out by the students.

It is the Responsibility of the students to keep their classrooms clean and tidy. The College has a well provisioned and well-ventilated class rooms. Any deliberate damage to class room properties such as benches and desks, electrical points etc. are to be borne by the class students collectively or individually.

The library is one of the largest repositories of information in this region. It is modern in terms of services, infrastructure and information technology applications. The college Library System consists of General Library and 15 departmental libraries which collectively support the teaching, research and extension programmes of this College. All students, faculty members and employees of the Institute are entitled to make use of the Library facilities on taking library membership. Besides, the library has a huge collection of general books.  The Library transactions are carried out by Bar Code Technology. It has the facility of Web OPAC-online search. So the library catalogue can be accessed through intranet, in future through internet. And the library has subscribed to online journals and E-resources in the field of Arts, Science and humanities through INFLIBNET.  The Library has proposed to have access through mobile for the benefit of the students and staff to facilitate easy access to the faculty, Students and Research Scholars.

The below mentioned procedures are to be followed
 ID card is mandatory to enter into the Library
 ID card is not transferable
 Sign in the register kept at the entrance counter before entering the library
 Writing in, Marking or harming in any way, any belonging to the library is strictly
 If found any damage or defacement, the borrower will be responsible to replace a new
 If lost the book, the borrower have to replace a new one, else pay triple the cost of the
 ID card is compulsory for those who lend books for taking photocopies.
 Silence to be maintained
 No louder discussion permitted inside the library
 Personal belongings not allowed inside the library
 Textbooks, printed materials and issued books are not allowed to be taken inside the
 Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the library.
 Faculty can access the Lending service on all working days.
 During power/system failure the circulation counter services will be temporarily
 Readers must respect the serene atmosphere of the Library and avoid behavior likely
to agitate other readers.

Sports department has all the necessary equipment and play field. SDAT is located inside the campus and has MOU by which staffs and students can utilize the facilities at
any working time. SDAT has 12 badminton indoor court, Basketball court, kabaddi court are available. This college has its own ground with multipurpose facilities like 400m track, Football, Hockey fields and Cricket ground. Volley ball and ball badminton outdoor courts and well equipped gym facilities are available. Every year sports fund is allotted by the government of Tamilnadu for purchase, conducting games and sports, maintenance and expenses towards participation in tournaments and matches. A marker has been appointed in PTA fund for supporting the department. Every year at the end of even semester, various sports and games activities are conducted for both staffs and students. Group and individual participations are
conducted and they are honored during college sports day with medals and cups. Every day students are allowed to utilize the gym facilities from 2 pm to 5 pm. Different time table are maintained for female and male and recorded in register. Students will be provided the sports equipment after recording in issue register. Any damage caused will be borne by the students. Damaged goods will be auctioned once in 3 years. All furnitures, equipments and periodicals are internally audited by appointing several committees. Audit reports will be submitted to the principal. Concerned departments are accountable for any missing items.

Computer and Internet Facilities
The college has 10mbbs leased line broadband connectivity and it is accessible by all the department at their premises which is sponsored by Rotaract club of Tirupur North and maintained by college. There are 2 centralized computer lab available with 70 computers with inter and intra network facilities and it is utilized by all the department on rotation and need basis. A staff is deputed to oversee these labs. Students are allowed inside without shoes and strict regulations has been pasted in front of the labs. These two labs are created under RUSA scheme. We have a UGC sponsored computer lab with 10 system which has continuous powers supply and internet. The same rule is being followed in all the computer labs and it is monitored by the lab attender and staff in charge.

The College offers separate space and building for operating the canteen services on Contract. It is now run by a FSSAI certified person and offers Hygienic food at affordable rates. The canteen is open on all working days.


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Chikkanna Government Arts College, Coimbatore


Chikkanna Government Arts College, Coimbatore, Tiruppur Cutoff 2024



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Chikkanna Government Arts College, Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India _641602
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