Government College of Engineering, Kannur - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement

Government College of Engineering, Kannur is one of the premier institutes among the 9 Government Engineering Colleges in Kerala and was established in 1986. The college is functioning in a sprawling 68-acre scenic campus, having sound and self-sufficient infrastructure, at Mangattuparamba, near the National Highway, 15 k.m from the headquarters of Kannur district.
The college is affiliated to Kerala Technological University. It offers 5 B.Tech Degree programs in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics and Communication and Computer Science and Engineering branches. The College also offers 5 M.Tech programs in Civil Engineering (Computer Aided Structural Engineering), Mechanical Engineering(Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Systems Design), Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Power Electronics and Drives , Power Systems),and Electronics and Communication Engineering (Signal Processing and Embedded Systems).
There are 3 research centres offering Ph.D programs in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering under Kannur University. Doctoral programs are also offered under Kerala Technological University. The institution is recognized by Kerala Technological University as a ‘Centre of Excellence in Systems, Energy and Environment’. Research works are also carried out in technical collaboration with Delft University, The Netherlands. The institution has about 50 % Ph.D qualified faculty leading the teaching and research
A globally renowned institution of excellence in engineering, education, research and consultancy.
To contribute to the society by providing quality education and training, leading to innovation , entrepreneurship and sustainable growth.
Candidate with a pass in the pre-degree examination of the universities in Kerala state with mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as optional subjects, or any other examination accepted as equivalent thereto, securing a minimum of 50% marks in mathematics, and 50%marks in mathematics, physics and chemistry put together are eligible for admission. Socially and educationally backward classes {as approved by Government} of Kerala with a total family income below Rs.42000and who have secured a minimum of 45%marks in Mathematics, Physics and chemistry put together are eligible for admission.
Candidates with a diploma in engineering awarded by the board of technical examinations of the Kerala state or a diploma accepted as equivalent thereto (obtained after undergoing an institutional course of at last 3 years) securing a minimum of 50% marks in the final diploma examination are eligible for admission. This minimum is 45% for candidates belonging to socially and educationally backward classes with a total family income below Rs.42000.
In the case of scheduled tribes candidates there will be no minimum mark requirements. Such candidates need only a pass in qualifying examination for admission..
Only candidates who are natives of Kerala state are eligible for admission accept (1) those candidates who are nominees of other Indian states and union territories as per allotment of the Government of India (2) those who have undergone their studies for the qualifying examination in any institution situated in Kerala state (3) candidates who are children of central and state Government employees not belonging to Kerala , but who are serving in the state at the time of submission of the application (4)Candidates who are children of employees of UNICEF and other agencies of the United Nations and children of persons who are not domiciled in the state, but who are permanently employed in any Government recognized institutions like public sector undertakings, statutory bodies or undertakings or autonomous bodies under the state or central Government, situated in the state of Kerala at the time of application for admission..
Age: There is no restriction with regard to age for admission. Selection of candidates is based on an entrance examination in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry conducted by the commissioner for entrance examination, Government of Kerala. Some seats are reserved for the nominees of the Government of India, repatriates from Burma, Ceylon, children of Ex-Servicemen of Kerala, Sports council nominees, nominees of the Government of Karnataka and Tamilnadu (on reciprocal basis), nominees of N.C.C. etc. 50%of the remaining seats are filled up purely on the basis of state wide merit. 15% of seats are allotted between Malabar area and travancore-cochin area now forming part of Kerala in the ratio 5:8. The remaining seas are filled up as per the quota system fixed by the Government from candidates belonging to the socially and educationally backward Classes, Scheduled Tribes and scheduled castes
Guiding the students of GCEK to get placements in credible organizations. Conduct placement drives of various reputed companies and organizations.
Conducting training, seminars, group discussions, and mock interviews as part of career guidance and personality development of the students.
Coordinating the efforts of the students of various departments in arranging industrial training.
Acting as an information center for students in job opportunities and competitive examinations like GATE, GRE, and CAT.
Acting as a link between alumni and students
The Career Guidance and Placement Unit (CGPU) of the college is headed by Placement Coordinator, who is a senior faculty member of the college. Assistant Placement Coordinator who is also a faculty member will assist the placement coordinator in day to day activities. The Cell has at least two student representatives from all classes, among whom student coordinators are elected for activities like placement drives, training, alumni interaction and the preparation of placement brochure. The Student Coordinators interact with the Placement Coordinator for the daily functioning of the Cell. Cell has a 125 seater AC seminar hall, 1000+ seater main auditorium and a capacity of about 600+ well connected computer systems with 1GBPS connectivity for conducting online tests.
- National Scholarship Scheme: The award will be limited to scholars ,the income of whose parents does not exceed Rs.25,000 /- per year
- Government of India Post Metric Scholarships: This is a Government of India Scholarship available on the basis of economic criterion of students
- Government of Kerala National Loan Scholarship Scheme: This is available on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examinations
- Interest free repayable loan scholarship by Government of Kerala: The Government of Kerala gives this Scholarship to students of engineering institutions on merit-cum-means basis
- Scholarship for orthopedically Handicapped
- Library
When entering and exiting the library, students must scan their identity card in the In-Out Management System.- Those who do not have an identity card should enter their membership number, name, and entrance time in the gate register held at the security counter when they enter the library. Similarly, when they leave the library, the time should be recorded in the gate register.
- Silence must be observed inside the library and loud talking is prohibited in all parts of the library.
- Our college Library is following Open Access System and hence the members have the privilege of direct access to book shelves in the Stack and Reference and Reading room.
- A book could be freely taken out of the shelves, on no account should they be reshelf by the members as they lead to misplacement of books. Such books may be left on the nearest table and the same will be shelved by the Library Staff.
- Bring no personal items into the library .
- After the due date, overdue costs are Rs. 1.00 per day per book.
- Renewal of the Due Date is allowed if the specific book is not in high demand among other members. The book needs be renewed at the Circulation Counter.
- Books in high demand will be provided for a shorter amount of time at the Librarian's discretion. Reference books, theses, journals, and CDs cannot be borrowed.
- The Librarian may recall any library material on loan at any time, regardless of loan length or user type.
- Before leaving the counter, the member must confirm that the Book supplied to him or her is in good condition, and the member is responsible for any damage detected during the return process.
- Any damage or loss of a loaned book should be immediately reported in writing to the Librarian.
The primary objective of establishing hostels for boys and girls is to provide students a Home away from their Home. The hostels are built in an environment that certainly helps to build self-confidence and instills discipline in the minds of students. They can feel at ease and put in their best in academics. The hostel ambience provides scope for developing harmonious communal living and enables them to share the joy of unity and professional fraternity. Self-help, co-operation and spirit of common good are some of the virtues anticipated from the inmates of the hostel. Everyone should uphold the dignity and self-respect of every other student in the hostel.
There are five hostel blocks, two blocks A and B for boy students and the other three Blocks A, B, and C for girl students, situated nearby the main campus and Boys hostels are located at a walkable distance along Parassinikadave Muthappan temple road nearby Parassinikadave Snake park. Boys hostel accommodates 350 students and Girls hostel accommodates 400 students. The hostel is administered by a Hostel committee comprises of staff at various levels and periodically review the planning and execution. The committee includes Chief Warden (Principal), a senior faculty as Warden and other faculty as Resident Tutors. Residents select Mess chairman, Mess Secretary, Mess Treasurer, and other members to assist administration of the hostel. The student committee and the hostel office work together in coordinating the hostel activities. Warden, Resident tutors and hostel Steward look after the day-to-day administration of the hostel concerned. Hostel committee and office bearers ensure the smooth functioning of the hostel.
Government College of Engineering, Kannur
Government College of Engineering, Kannur, Kannur Cutoff 2024
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