Government Engineering College, Kozhikode - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement
About GEC Kozhikode
Govt. Engineering College Kozhikode (GECK), an ISO 9001:2015 certified institution is one among the engineering Colleges established by Govt. of Kerala during the academic year 1999-2000. The college offers degree courses (full time) in the following branches of engineering.
The College is affiliated to the University of Calicut and APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University. It is under the administrative control of the Director of Technical Education, Govt. of Kerala.The college is recognized by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
The institute is located in the historic city of Kozhikode, in the Malabar region of the state and well connected by air, rail and road routes to the rest of the country. GECK is proud of its meritorious students, highly qualified faculty, state of art of laboratories, infrastructure and reputed alumni. Over these years GECK is providing affordable technical education and remains to be the best choice among the brilliant students in the country.
Candidates for admission to the B.Tech. Engineering degree course shall be required to have passed the Higher Secondary Examination of State Board of Kerala or examinations recognized equivalent by any Universities of Kerala, with 50% marks in Mathematics and 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics put together. Candidates, belonging to Socially and Educationally Backwards classes with a total family annual income not exceeding the limit notified by the Government of Kerala from time to time, need only 45% marks in Mathematics and 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics put together. Candidates belonging to scheduled caste and scheduled tribe need only a pass in the qualifying examination. Candidates have to qualify the State Level Entrance examination conducted by the Commissioner of Entrance Examinations or State level/National level Entrance Examination approved by the Government of Kerala as equivalent. Criteria for selection and method of admission to merit/management seats for Engineering degree courses conducted by Government/Aided/Self-financing colleges affiliated to KTU shall be governed by the rules/regulations framed by the Commissioner of Entrance Examinations or other competent authority appointed by the Government of Kerala, in consultation with the University and without contravening with the stipulation of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). In all matters related to selection and admission, the decisions of the University shall be final. The students admitted by affiliated colleges violating the above regulations will not be eligible for registration to University Examinations and contravention of the regulations shall lead to withdrawal/suspension of affiliation.
Admission For Diploma Holders:
1. A candidate who has a diploma in engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Examination or an examination recognized equivalent by the State Board of Technical Education after undergoing regular course of 3 years in an institute approved by AICTE, securing a cumulative minimum of 50% marks in the second and third years diploma examination shall be eligible to be admitted to the first year
2. B.Tech. programme of the University of Calicut (hereafter, the University, unless otherwise specified) if he/she has qualified the entrance examination conducted by the Commissioner of Entrance Examinations or State level/National level Entrance Examination approved by the Government of Kerala as equivalent. Diploma holders with 60% marks (50% in case of SC/ST) are also eligible for admission to the 3rd semester (regular full-time batch) engineering degree course (B.Tech.) under the lateral entry scheme provided they qualify the Entrance Examination conducted for the lateral entry scheme by the state Government. These students are not required to study any deficiency papers of the combined first and second semesters. Admission of all candidates under the lateral entry scheme shall be completed latest by 31st May.
Admission to the M. Tech. Programme:
Candidates who have been awarded or qualified for the award of the Bachelor’s degree in Engineering / Technology, from an Institution approved by AICTE are eligible for admission to the M. Tech., Programme. Eligibility of candidates having MCA/MSc qualifications will be decided from time to time by following the guidelines issued by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and the Government of Kerala and notified separately. Other important eligibility criteria are as listed out by the Director of Technical Education with the approval of the Government of Kerala.
1. Candidates qualified in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE ) and admitted to the M. Tech. programme are eligible to receive Half Time Teaching Assistantship ( HTTA) as per the rules of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)/Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD).
2. Sponsored candidates from Industries, R&D organizations, National Laboratories as well as Educational Institutions, with a bachelor’s degree in engineering are eligible for admission to the M. Tech. programme.
3. Foreign nationals whose applications are received through Indian Council of Cultural Relations, Government of India are also eligible for admission to the M. Tech. programme.
4. Announcements for M. Tech. Programmes will be made by the DTE, Government of Kerala. Selection of candidates for the M. Tech programme will be done centrally or monitored by the Directorate of Technical Education as per the guidelines given on this by the Government of Kerala
5. The number of candidates to be admitted to each M. Tech stream will be as per the approval of the University which shall be based on decision on this given by the All India Council for Technical Education.
6. Admission will be complete only on meeting all the other requirements mentioned in the letter of admission and on payment of the fees.
7. Candidates who have the Associate Membership of Professional Bodies that are approved by the University and have qualified in GATE shall also be eligible for admission to the M. Tech. programme.
8. The reservation policy of the Government of Kerala and the Government of India shall be followed in admission to the M. Tech. programme.
9. All admission will be governed by the procedure laid down for this by the Director of Technical Education, Kerala and the Government of Kerala.
10. Notwithstanding all that is stated above, the admission policy may be modified from time to time by the University, particularly to confirm to directions from the Government of Kerala and the Government of India.
The college library has a good collection of more than 25000 books in engineering and related allied fields and a collection of subscribed e-journals (473 no.’) catering to the needs of students in all branches. The central library is also having subscription to periodicals and hard copy of journals (both national and international). The library has separate lending section, E-resource section,,reading room and reference section with a vast area of titles under all disciplines. All the students and staff of the college are members of the library
The library is fully automated with KOHA software and there is network facility inside the library. The library is digitalized for all transaction. There is a Book Bank facility available for the benefit of SC/ST students (both UG and PG). Eligible students can borrow 12 books up to the end of the semester without fine.
A computerized library information system with search facility is implemented. Web OPAC is available in the library IP (intranet only). The project and seminar reports of students are kept. A section is devoted to general reading books. Books to prepare for competitive examinations like GATE,GRE and TOEFL are stocked.
Institutional membership in National Digital Library of India (NDL), Swayam, E-shodhsindhu, Knimbus e-library platform.
Language Lab
GEC Kozhikode has a well equipped Language lab. Hardware setup consists of a server and 30 clients, with Orell Digital Language Lab (ODLL) software installed. ODLL is a unique and convenient language learning software solution, which is cost effective too.
GECK has one ladies hostel with an intake of 150. Procedure for hostel admission is as per the institute norms. The students and other activities in the hostels are under the supervision of a warden.
More Facilities
Co-operative society
Reprographic Centre
Open Air Theater
Basket Ball/Badminton Court
The college provides transport facilities to all students staying in and aroung Kozhikode city through college buses.Two college buses operate for the convenience of students and staff of this institution.
Government Engineering College, Kozhikode
Government Engineering College, Kozhikode, Kozhikode Cutoff 2024
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