Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College (Autonomous), Pollachi - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement
About NGM College – Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College
Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College an Institution engaged in providing quality education to the youth has been growing consistently spreading its wings far and wide to offer a variety of educational programs under one roof for over 60+ years.
To provide facilities for higher education for students from high schools of Pollachi and Udumalpet Taluks, an organisation called “Pollachi Kalvi Kazhagam” was constituted in 1957 under the Presidentship of Shri S.P. Nallamuthu Gounder and the Secretaryship of Arutchelvar Dr. N. Mahalingam. The organisation took efforts to establish a College at Pollachi. Shri C. Subramaniam, former Minister of Finance evinced keen interest in this venture.
On the auspicious day of 12th July 1957 the College was opened by the Chief Donor Thiru S.P. Nallamuthu Gounder in the august presence of Arutchelvar Dr. N. Mahalingam and started functioning in a sprawling campus of 26 acres and a strength of 160 students in the Pre-University Course. The College was upgraded into a Degree College in July 1959. The College began to spread its wings of progress with the introduction of co-education in the year 1975. All the Degree Courses have been semesterised since 1976. The College blossomed into a premier Institution of Post Graduate in 1979.
The Silver Jubilee of the institution was celebrated in all splendour in February 1984. Autonomy was conferred to our College by UGC in 1987. In the same year a novel component of Value Education christened as Ethics and Culture for all UG Programs was introduced. In 1994 the UGC offered Vocationalisation of degree programmes in a few departments. All the buildings and staff rooms are provided with Internet and Intranet facilities. In 2004, Choice Based Credit System was introduced.
Our Institution has been awarded with ISO 9001:2000 Certification by the TUV. The NAAC has awarded ‘A’ grade in March 2007. Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College is one of the oldest Colleges in Tamilnadu which celebrated its Golden Jubilee with traditional fervour and enthusiasm in July 2007.
Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College has been developed into a premier Postgraduate teaching and Research Institution, offering 60 different programmes including UG, PG and Research and 5 certificate courses. The College has 262 staff members and, 5416 students. With the opening and dedication of the New Centres – Dr. N. Mahalingam Centre for Research and Development, Nallamuthu Gounder Centre for Commerce and Management Studies, Sri S.P. Krishnaswamy Gounder Science Block, it has become a Centre of National Importance under the benign care of the beloved Patron Arutchelvar Dr. N. Mahalingam, President Dr. B.K. Krishnaraj Vanavarayar, Vice-President Dr. S. Murugaiyan, Secretary Shri M. Balasubramaniam and Treasurer Shri S. Sivakumar. The Academic Excellence, high Research Potential, noteworthy Extension Services and valuable Placements are the outcome of the – Enlightened Management, Enriched Faculty and Energetic Students.
Our dream is to make the College an institution of excellence at the national level by imparting quality education of global standards to make students academically superior, socially committed, ethically strong, spiritually evolved and culturally rich citizens to contribute to the holistic development of the self and society.
Training students to become role models in academic arena by strengthening infrastructure, upgrading curriculum, developing faculty, augmenting extension services and imparting quality education through an enlightened management and committed faculty who ensure knowledge transfer, instil research aptitude and infuse ethical and cultural values to transform students into disciplined citizens in order to improve quality of life.
Application forms can be had from the office on payment of Rs.25/- (exclusive of prospectus).
Application should be submitted to the Principal within 10 days from the date of publication of results.
Separate Application should be submitted for each course for which admission Is sought.
· A Photo statted copy of the H.sc, Mark Sheet should be enclosed with the application
· Photo statted Copies of the UG Mark Sheet (2 Copies) should be enclosed with the Application for PG Programme.
(In case of SC/ST, MBC/BC and DC applicants) A Photo statted copy of the permanent community certificate should be enclosed with the application.
Admission is subject to verification of Mark Certificates by the Director of Government Examinations and if the Mark Certificate is found to be bogus , admission is liable for cancellation, besides, criminal action will be initiated.
Admission will be made strictly on the basis of merit as per rules stipulated by the Government and as per the rules of eligibility prescribed for the various Programmes by the Bharathiar University.
For Admission to B.Sc ., Programmes in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry should have studied Mathematics , Physics and Chemistry in H.Sc. and the admission to the courses will be on the basis of marks secured in the respective subjects in H.Sc.
For Admission to B.A./B.Com.,Degree Programmes selection will be based on the total marks secured in Part III subjects in H.Sc .However , preference will be given to candidates who have studied the relevent subjects in H.Sc.
For Admission to the B.A. Economics and B.com., Degree Programmes, preference will be given to the applicants who have studied Mathematics, Economics and Commerce in H.Sc.
Applicants provisionally selected will be intimated to appear for an interview on a prescribed date.
Sportsmen and other talented students are given preference in all admission .True Copies of Certificates of distinction achieved in Sports, games or social service should be enclosed with the application.
Candidates who are physically challenged are given due consideration in admissions. A certificate furnished by a recognized medical officer should be enclosed.
Reservation for the children of Ex-servicemen of Tamil origin will be as per Govt. rules. They should produce Ex-Servicemen Certificate obtained from the competent authority.
The following original documents are to be produced at the time of interview
· Transfer Certificate.
· Conduct Certificate
· (I) H.Sc mark sheet for UG Admission, (II) Degree mark sheet for PG Admission.
· Permanent community certificate issued by Revenue authoriry with a Photo statted copy.
Students are advised to take enough number of Xerox copies of their original certificates before submitting them for admission.
NGM College has been in the forefront imparting high quality in Arts and science education and is one among the top colleges in the state of TN. State of the art infrastructure in all branches of Arts & Science, dedicated and qualified staff, highly conducive environment for teaching-learning process and a lush green campus are the hallmarks of this professionally managed institution.
The Training & Placement Cell of the college plays a pivotal role in counseling and guiding the students for their successful career placement which is a crucial interface between the stages of completion of academic programs of the students and their entry into suitable employment. In addition to campus placements, the Training and Placement Cell organizes Professional Development programs like mock interviews, group discussions, pre-placement talks, interactive sessions with industrial experts, case studies etc. and Personality Development programs covering communication skills, presentation skills, career planning etc., on a regular basis to enable the students to acquire the necessary traits for their career.
NGM Training & Placement Cell has an Industry-Institute Partnership Cell striving hard to bridge the gap between Industries & Institute, to foster effective interaction between Industry and Institute to impart meaningful education and to promote industrial consultancy & entrepreneurship.
Vision & Mission:
Our Vision is to provide best students to the industries with the Mission of making them to understand the importance of Academic Excellence & to provide them a strong foundation for their employment and transform them as a worthy citizen of our Country.
Several fee concessions and scholarships are awarded annually to the deserving students. They are tenable for the entire course on condition that the holders continue to study in the College till the end of the course and their character, conduct and academic performance are be satisfactory throughout the course. Fee Concessions
· Full fee and half fee concession under the rule 92 of the Tami Nadu Educational Rules.
· Full fee concession to sons / daughters of freedom fighters.
· Full fee concession to sons / daughters and dependents of Defence Service personnel.
· Full fee concession to sons / daughters / dependents of repatriates from Burma and Ceylon.
· Tuition Fee concession to all UG Students as per the Proceedings (Na.Ka. No.4860/L3/ 2007, dated 24.05.2007) from the Office the Directorate of Collegiate Education, Chennai.
1. BC Scholarship UG & PG Students 1,00,000
2. First Graduate Free Education BC Scholarship UG Students
3. MBC Scholarship UG and PG 1,00,000
4. Full Fee Concession All UG Students (Irrespective of Community) No limit
5. Full fee concession UG and PG No limit (Tuition Fees Only) SC/ST students
6. EVEERA Maniyammaiyar Only for PG Girls 50,000 Full Fee Concession
7. GOI scholarship to UG and PG SC/ST students SC 1,00,000 ST 1,08,000
8. State Scholarship SC converts 1,00,000
9. SC/ST and SC converts UG students
10. Free education Scholarship SC/ST/SC converts No limit to UG students only (Those who were not converted under GOI or state Scholarship SC/ST/SC converts)
11. National Loan UG and PG Scholarship BC/FC 25,000 SC/ST No limit
Bharathiar University – Kamaraj Endowment – Award of Scholarship -UG II & III Year – PG II Year- Best Student-Rs. 3,000/-. Government of India National Loan Scholarship to the Children of primary and secondary school teachers (income limit Rs. 12,000/- PA).
· State Collegiate Scholarships to the physically handicapped students.
· Scholarships to the sons/daughters of Defence Service Personnel income limit Rs. 50,000/-.
· Scholarships to the sons / daughters of Freedom Fighters.
· Tamil Nadu State Government Scholarship to Ph.D. Fulltime Scholars.
· Indira Gandhi Post Graduate Scholarship for single girl child Rs. 2000/- per month, awarded by UGC
· Besides the above, the College Management and Philanthropists have instituted a number of endowments providing financial assistance to the deserving meritorious students.
NGM College, Coimbatore Facilities
Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College provides facilities to the students for their ease during their college life and the infrastructural support helps in the smooth functioning of the college. The halls of the institute are well furnished and are used for organising events and programmes. Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College well-equipped labs that help in conducting the practical classes. The canteen provides nutritious food to the members at a subsidized rate. NGM College facilities are listed below:
Halls - Alkondan Hall, MM Hall, Bharathiar Arangam, Vivekandar Arangam, Dr. Abdul Kalam Arangam and Arutchelvar Arangam are the halls of Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College that are used in organising various activities, seminars, etc for the students.
Labs - The labs help to make the learning process much easier for the students as it helps the students to get hands-on experience. The various labs of the institute are:
Computer Lab
Physics Lab
Chemistry Lab
Botany Lab
Zoology Lab
Science Multi-Purpose Lab
Communication Lab
Hostel - In order to take care of the accommodation of the students, the institute has a well-built hostel. NGM College hostel facilities help the students to live in a comfortable space away from their homes.
Canteen - The canteen of the institute provides a variety of snacks, meals, beverages, etc to the students, staff, visitors and other members of NGM College.
Sports - Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College gives importance to physical education and encourages students to take part in sports.
Library - Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College has a humongous collection of books and other reading materials for students, scholars and staff. Students can also avail reprography facility at the library.
Guest House - NGM College provides accommodation to the visitors, chief guest, expert members, etc.
Boys Hostel
The college has a boy’s hostel facility which provides good hostel accommodation for the students.
Girls Hostel
The college has a girl's hostel facility which provides good hostel accommodation for the students.
The college has a health centre with first aid facility for the students.
The library is a central facility in the college and is fully automated with OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) system. The Library has a stock of more than 64,000 books, including 52,000 titles and a supply of 63 journals and 45 magazines. CD/DVDs, e-journals, on-line database and audio-video cassettes are also available for reference installed CCTV.
The college has the sports facilities for all students.
I.T Infrastructure
The college has an excellent I.T infrastructure facility. All the buildings and staff rooms are provided with Internet and Intranet facilities.
The college has an auditorium facility for events and seminar.
Alumni Associations
The college has a good networking for the alumni association.
Convenience Store
The college has a convenience store for all the students. The objective of the co-operative store is to procure and supply quality books, notebooks, Stationeries etc at a reasonable rate.
Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College (Autonomous), Pollachi
Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College (Autonomous), Pollachi, Coimbatore Cutoff 2024
Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College (Autonomous), Pollachi Faculty Details
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