Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement
SMIMER is a self-financed medical college & hospital governed by the Surat Municipal Corporation. This institute is meeting its twin objectives (1) as tertiary health care centre to the people of Surat, South Gujarat area and also to the other places of Western India and (2) as an educational institute for under graduation as well post graduation in the field of medical science to the meritorious students Thus, the institute imparts not only quality medical education but also caters to the health care needs of the society.
SMIMER, being a Medical College, follows the rules & regulations of Medical Council of India, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University & Government of Gujarat with commitment to maintain highest standards in the field of Medical education.
The M.B.B.S degree of the Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education & Research (for 100 annual admissions) is recognized by the Medical Council of India & Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi vide letter NO. U 12012/34/99-Me(P).
The college library is the pivot around which all the academic activities of the college revolve. It is a vital area of the college, which cater the requirements of the academicians & students.
To provide a learning environment to the students and faculty
To provide reading material required for teaching and learning purpose for students as well as teaching community
To foster the research activities and inculcate the habit of scientific writing of their research work
Admission to various Programmes at Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research Valsad is based on the candidate’s performance in NEET. This valuable information will help you out during your admission.
Central Library is housed in a three floor complex constructed adjacent to the administrative block and in front of the A block. This library has various sections including stack section, separate reading sections for students and staff, periodical section, reference section, reprography section, computer landscapes and audio-visual lab.The library is computerized with Libsys Library management software & provides various computerized services and scientific browsing.
The Central library also manages 21 departmental libraries in terms of meeting their individual book requirements. These departmental libraries are housed in each department and have approximately 100 to 150 books for use by the faculty members of the concerned specialty.
Services and Facilities
Open access system for selection of books
Reference service
Internet service
CD-Rom service
Xerox facilities
Audio visual facilities
Well equipped latest computer labs
A network of computer with 30 computers linked to the main server. These computers are equipped to provide internet browsing of educational sites for updating of knowledge, data bases such as Medline Up To Date E Medical Database. These computers are networked so as to provide easy access to the E-medical journal sites.
Well equipped latest computer labs
A network of computer with 30 computers linked to the main server. These computers are equipped to provide Internet browsing of educational sites for updating of knowledge, data bases such as Medline, Up To Date E Medical Database. These computers are networked so as to provide easy access to the E-medical journal sites.
Hostel facilities & student counseling
Hostel facilities for postgraduate residents, interns, undergraduate students are available as per the requirement. There are separate hostel buildings for boys and girls located within the college campus. These hostels are having accommodation capacity of 468 for undergraduates, 75 for interns and 64 single seaters for residents. The hostels are under supervisory control of rector and two wardens to look after day to day administration under the overall control of Dean. All the hostel buildings are having facilities of recreation room, visitors room, kitchen & dining hall.
The college has a Transport facility for the students.
Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research
Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research, Surat Cutoff 2024
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