Thulasi College of Law for Women, Tuticorin - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement
College Profile
Thulasi College of Law for Women is “FIRST WOMEN LAW COLLEGE IN TAMIL NADU” (Affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr.Ambedkar Law University, Chennai and Approved by Bar Council of India, New Delhi) started with the motto of “MY COLLEGE MY PRIDE”. Our college provides a high-quality education along with the collaboration of technological advancement with the dissemination of knowledge in the course of teaching and co- curricular activities.
Thulasi Colleges serves as a world-class education center that incorporates the academics, visualization, communication, practical application, and leadership skills that encourage the students to be well versed in both technical and non-technical areas.
Thulasi College impart new technologies by setting up an innovative standard in the education field. We offer complete freedom in developing the long term education prospects along with the development of human values in society. This objective made the college to attain a remarkable growth during the years of our educational service.
To be advanced renowned educational Institution for training the youthful minds with quality education and fostering to aware about the environment and global competencies to transform them into creative, responsible and enlightened citizens of the nation.
- To provide access to excellent modern education for all aspiring youth with recent skills and competencies.
- To promote the academic environment ensuring quality teaching-learning and research methodology with training programmes.
- To create awareness for social-economic equity and environmental sensitivity.
- To adopt latest technological means to impart qualitative, ethical and holistic education for a bright future.
The candidates desirous of applying for 3 year LL.B Degree course and 5 year BA.LLB Degree Course through management quota can obtain the application form by paying the prescribed fee, from the Principal, Thulasi College of Law for Women. And the candidates can also download the application form through our college website www.thulasilawcollege.com.
The candidates who downloaded the application form at our College website should submit the application along with the Demand draft in favour of The Principal, Thulasi College of Law for Women, payable at Vallanadu for a sum of Rs.1000/- only.
LLB Degree Course through management quota can obtain the application form by paying the prescribed fee, from the Principal, Thulasi College of Law for Women.
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Economic Laws Practice
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Smart Classroom
A Smart Classroom is a conventional lecture style teaching space that has available technological equipment that can be used to aid and enhance instruction of a course. The smart class room is equipped with the basic technology that will enable to connect laptop to the projector.
Features a smart class rooms are, PC and laptop connection, document camera, DVD/VCR Player, projector, and screen and also have an overhear transparency projector.
Moot court
The College hosts simplified and well equipped moot court. It gives a holistic come up to to the students in practicing law.
Moot court facilitates the students an opportunity to participate in proceedings parallel to that of an actual court.
The students are trained in a variety of skills like drafting briefs (memorials), oral arguments, research works by eminent Judges, Lawyers and Guest Faculty members. The professional skills are embedded and shaped in the course of moot court that helps them in their professional career.
1. The library functions from 9.30 am. To 5.00 pm. On all working days. It is closed on Saturdays and Sundays and other government holidays.
2. All the present students of the Thulasi College of Law for Women, Vallanadu, Tuticorin District are entitled to use the library. Readers desirous of using the library have to write legibly in the gate register their names and class to which they belong and sign the register. Such signature shall be an acknowledgment, that the person agrees to conform to the rules of the library.
3. Personal belongings like umbrellas, hats, bags, briefcase, mobile phone and etc., shall be left at the depository counter. Personal books or library books already borrowed or any printed materials should be left at the depository. Files are not allowed inside the library and if for some reason, they have to be taken inside; such file should be made available for inspection by the assistant at the counter while leaving the library.
4. The borrowers shall promptly return the books, periodicals and law reports to the record clerk before they leave the room. Any lapse on the part of the student will result in forfeiture of library facility.
5. Each student can borrow only one book at a time on each ticket.
6. Books in the section may be borrowed for a period of 15 days and shall be returned on the date last marked on the due date slip on the front page of each book.
7. A student against whom any fine or other charges are outstanding will not be permitted to borrow books from the library till all the arrears have been paid.
- Football
- Volley Ball
- Hockey
- Ball Badminton
- Tennis
- Cricket
The Sports Club supports the aspirations of the student sports enthusiasts with right training, guidance and coaching. Annual sports events and tournaments are conducted at the Institution to hone their skills and talents. Appropriate need based training and necessary facilities are being provided by the club. Members are participating in inter-collegiate sports events representing the Institution.
The college has the transport facility for all the students and staff.
Thulasi College of Law for Women, Tuticorin
Thulasi College of Law for Women, Tuticorin Cutoff 2024
Thulasi College of Law for Women, Tuticorin Faculty Details
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