S.D.N. Bhatt Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement
Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600044Shrimathi Devkunvar Nanalal Bhatt Vaishnav College for Women was started in 1968 with the generous donation of 10 acres of land by our Late Founder Chairman Shri Nanalal Bhatt and 6 lakhs donated by Cork Industries Charities Trust. The College is named after the Late Founder Chairman’s wife Smt. Devkunvar. This college is the first women’s college in Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu. The present Chairman Smt. Mamta D. Bhatt is a dynamic and energetic leader with innovative ideas and with the potential of executing them precisely. The College Secretary, Shri. C. M. Tolia, is a meticulous planner with a panoramic vista for the development of education especially for first generation women learners. The College has rendered five decades of immaculate service for the betterment of women and society.
The college is affiliated to the University of Madras from 1968 and accredited by NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) with A+ Grade and listed in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India (listed as one of the best colleges in India in the band ranking of 101-150 for the past four years). The autonomous status of our college has been earmarked in 2006 and the same is approved by the University of Madras and the University Grants Commission (UGC is a statutory Organization of the Government of India by an Act of Parliament in 1956, for the coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of teaching, examination and research in university education). Our college has current student strength of 6925 with 30% in aided stream and 70% in Self-support stream with 325 faculty members. We offer 10 UG programs in Aided stream, 21 UG, 17 PG and 4 M.Phil programs in the self-support stream. Some of the pioneering courses offered by the college are B.Com in Professional Accounting, Banking and Insurance Management, B.Sc Computer Science with cognitive Science (in collaboration with TCS) , B.Voc Travel and Tourism, M.A Journalism and Communication, M.Sc. Biostatistics, M.Sc Home Science-Food Science Nutrition and Dietetics. All the programmes offered at our college are accredited by the University of Madras.
The Department of English, History, Statistics, Physics, PBPB, Computer Science and Commerce are recognized as Research Departments. The Department of Economics, Tamil and Mathematics offer part time Ph.D program. Our college gives importance to research; our college management provides seed money to staff and students to conduct research in various fields. More than 50 funded research projects (of both UGC and management funds) have been conducted with societal output research findings. Every year, there are more than 100 quality research papers published in various national and international journals of repute that are indexed in UGC care list /Web of Science/Scopus.
Sparkles – a research explorer is an initiative by our college in 2021 to encourage students of all levels to write research papers with the guidance of staff members. It is published half yearly with ISBN. Our College takes pride in publishing a Multi-Disciplinary Half-Yearly Journal -International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Arts, Science and Commerce (IJMRASC) and International Journal of Trans disciplinary Research and Development (SIJTRD) with ISSN. The Journals encourage Innovative Research, Review of the existing research, Comparative research of different approaches for a problem and its interpretation, problem solving research, community based and social relevant research.
The College has witnessed a multi-directional impressive growth in diversified areas that provide opportunities to the women students to explore and deepen their academic interest and extension activities effectively.
To transform every student into an intellectually competent, morally upright, socially committed and spiritually inspired human being.
To build a pathway of educational excellence for women to traverse towards diverse global milestones, through an inclusive and integrated learning approach,embracing high personal values, cultural ethos and innovative leadership for a better tomorrow
To nurture 21st century skills by a holistic and transformative educational curriculum
To promote a transdisciplinary sustainable ecosystem for quality research activities and societal outreach with global competence
To cultivate an entrepreneurial and innovation mindset to keep pace with new- age technology
To inculcate reflective and inclusive thoughts through Indian knowledge system
To practise universal harmony for self-reliance and mutual development
1. Eligibility criteria for the admission towards various courses are a minimum
pass (40%) in Higher Secondary Examination.
2. Subject combination preference for the following courses:
S.no Course Name Eligibility Criteria
1 B.A. History and Tourism Any group in +2
2 B.A. Economics Any group in +2
3 B.A. English
Advanced English (or)
English Language (English
Candidate only)
4 B.Sc. Mathematics Mathematics and Physics
5 B.Sc. Statistics Statistics/Mathematics or
BusinessMathematics &
6 B.Sc. Physics Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry
7 B.Sc. Chemistry Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics
8 B.Sc. Plant Biology & Plant
Biology and Chemistry
9 B.Sc. Computer Science Mathematics, Physics and Computer
10 B.Com. (General)
Commerce, Accountancy, Business
Mathematics, Economics (or)
Computer Science
Vocational subjects (Theory Paper
only) for limited seats
Training and Placement Cell at S.D.N.B. Vaishnav College for Women is an effective institutional arrangement primarily aimed to train and place our both U.G. and P.G final year students of Shift – I and Shift – II in the best known corporate entities all over India. This academic year has been another eventful and landmark year for the Training and Placement Cell of S.D.N.B Vaishnav College.
Training and placement cell plays a predominant role in every students life. The cell organizes campus interviews to facilitate suitable job opportunity for the final year students after their graduation. Globally renowned Corporate organizations like CTS, Dell, TCS, Acceture, Maverick etc.visit our campus to recruit our students. The cell disseminates information pertaining to the availability of jobs to the prospective candidates. Thousands of students are benefited and well posted in various reputable organizations. The cell conducts various training programmes by invited HRs, corporate bigwigs etc., to aid the students for their future pursuits.
All students registered for placement were placed and 100% placement has been achieved this year as well with prominent companies like Tech Mahindra, CTS, Wipro, Virtusa, TCS etc The Cell is headed by a Training & Placement Officer in charge and assisted by Student Placement Coordinators who lead a team of placement representatives from various courses of study.
The Scholarship Committee plays a crucial role in managing and awarding scholarships to deserving students of both Aided and Self supporting stream. Scholarship Committee identifies students eligible for various scholarship schemes from government and private bodies and helps them avail the same. The following scholarships are awarded by the Central and State Government and Private Endowments.
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe scholarships from Harijan Welfare Departments.
Backward and Most Backward Classes scholarships from the Director of Backward Classes.
The Endowment scholarship awarded from private bodies and University of Madras (75% attendance is must).
Scholarships are financial awards given to students to support their education, and the committee ensures that these awards are allocated fairly and in accordance with the criteria established by the college or external scholarship providers. Some of the key functions and responsibilities of the Scholarship Committee:
Establishing Scholarship Criteria
Application Review
Selection and Awarding of scholarship
Merit-Based Scholarships
Interviews and Evaluation
Diversity and Inclusion
Compliance with Donor Expectations
Communication with scholarship applicants
Transparency in the scholarship process
Evaluation and Monitoring of scholarship recipients
Reporting to college administrators, donors, and relevant stakeholders on the status and impact of the scholarship program.
Record Keeping of scholarship awards, recipients, and expenditures.
Scholarship Renewals
The Scholarship Committee is supporting student to access higher education by managing scholarships and ensuring that these resources are allocated in a fair, equitable, and transparent manner.
Sports build good habits; Confidence and discipline .They make players in to Community and teach them how to strive for a goal, handle mistake and Cherish growth opportunities”
The Department of Physical Education has played a prominent role in SDNB Vaishnav College from its inception. In our legacy, we have had more than 1000 State players, 700 University Blues, 625 National participants and medalists and 26 International players in various sports and games. Our department has produced many sports players who are well placed in the Government sectors through Sports eligibility.
The Department of Physical Education has good infrastructure facilities such as multipurpose Indoor Stadium (Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis and Gym). The Stadium was inaugurated by His Excellency Dr. Rosiah in 2014. The International Standard Grass Football Playfield is set up in 2022. A state-of-the-art Handball court is in use since 2023. Sports Hostel with nutritious food is provided for eminent sports students.
Indoor Stadium
Indoor stadium was inaugurated on 6.3.2014 by DR.K.ROSAIAH, His Excellency Governor of TamilNadu. Chess, Table Tennis, Shuttle Badminton games are conducted in thd Indoor Stadium.
Digital multimeter, Digital Audio Frequency Oscillator,Microprocessor kits, Microscope, IC power supply and Audio Oscillator are some of the sophisticated instruments in the lab.
Mechanical Stirrer, Digital Balance, Conductivity Bridge and Conductivity Cell, Analytical Balances, Single Pan Balance, Clinical Chemistry Analyzer, Dry Bath Incubator, Micropipette Variable, Micropipette Fixed, Microscope Binocular, Fume Exhaust Hood, Deep Vision Polarimeter, Hot Air Oven, Over Head Projector, Centrifuge Machine, Digital Balance, Soil Testing and Milk Testing Kit, Water Testing Kit, Clinical Centrifuge, Suction Pump with Lines and Ice Making Machine are some of the instruments in the lab.
Digital Colony Counter, Digital Electronic Balance, Digital Calorimeter, PH Meter, Flame Photometer, Laminar Airflow, LCD monitor, Laptop, Incubator and Shaker are some of the sophisticated instruments in the lab.
Centrifuge, OHP, Hot plate, Hot air oven ,Microtome, Full Unit to measure muscle Twitch Salinometer, Fridge, Soslet Apparatus are some of the sophisticated instruments in the lab
Single Beam UV Specto-photometer, Reme Micro Centrifuge and Electronic Balance are some of the sophisticated instruments in the lab.
Our college has Computer labs have latest configuration sytems with internet connectivty. There is also a Microprocessor lab with Digital and Micro Processor kits.
Nikon FM 10 ,D60 and D 70 DSLR cameras, Sony DV CAM Portable Camera- DSR-PD 170P,Macro lens, Telephoto lens, Sckonic L308S flashmeter, Sony Home theatre, Nikon 8B flash, Nikon SB800 flash,Ad Photographic table, Dimable Cool Light(IAS 255, IAS 455,IAS655), Yamaha Audio Mixing Console, Non-Linear Edit Suit, Preview Theatre, Dubbing Theatre with acoustics treatment are some of the sophisticated instruments in the lab
There are two labs namely Food Science Lab, Bio-Chemistry and Human Physiology
A common research room with computers and internet facility is available for research students. An exclusive instrumentation room is available for research students of Physics, Chemistry, Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology. The equipment s in the instrumentation room are
HPLC – High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
GC – Gas Chromatography
FTIR – Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
UV – Spectrophotometer
cooling centrifuge
PCR – Polymerase Chain Reaction
S.D.N. Bhatt Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai
S.D.N. Bhatt Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai, Chennai Cutoff 2024
S.D.N. Bhatt Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai Faculty Details
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