Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement

Tamil Nadu - 626203

History of Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College :


Sri S.Ramasamy Naidu, familiarly known as "SR" was a dedicated educationalist and freedom fighter. His realization that political freedom will be of no value unless there is freedom from illiteracy led him to work tirelessly for the great cause of education. Thanks to his keen interest and initiative today, this part of Tamilnadu is blessed with a number of educational institutions.

Four decades ago, some great philanthropists of this region founded our College in memory of this visionary leader, in order to realize his noble ambition. It was incepted at Nagalapuram village in 1970 with Thiru.V.Venugopala Krishnasamy Naidu as its Founder President. The Mission of the College was to serve the interests of the rural poor, help them have the benefit of excellent education and find employment, and thereby ameliorate their lifestyles.

In 1972, the College was shifted to Sattur. The College became a University-affiliated first-grade institute offering a degree course in B.A. Branch-I-History. Then the urgent need for a more spacious institution was deeply felt. Hence a forty-eight-acre site was purchased. Thanks to the generosity of its countless benefactors over the years, it is possible for the College to have a number of magnificent buildings now. In this regard, the College gratefully remembers the munificence of a great philanthropist, Late Sri.Sathu.T.Ramasamy Naicker, the founder of Sri Jaya Vilas (P) Ltd., Aruppukottai.

At present the College is offering 14 Undergraduate courses, 8 Postgraduate courses, 6 M.Phil. Courses and 6 Ph.D. programmes.

The UGC conferred Autonomous Status to the college in the academic year 2010-2011 and the same was extended in the year 2016-2017. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) accredited the college with "B++" Grade in 2005, reaccredited it with "A" Grade with 3.22 CGPA in 2012 and now again reaccredited it with "A" Grade with 3.38 CGPA in 2017. These crown achievements have spurred the institution towards academic transcendence and social service.

Since its inception, this institution of higher learning has been fulfilling the educational needs of the people of this area in a commendable way.



Why Choose ?



To make higher education available to the students from socially, economically and educationally backward families and to increase their employment prospects.



To offer the rural students opportunities that will bring to light their inherent talents.

To help them realize their potential worth To empower women, and make them self - reliant.

To promote the employment prospects of rural students.

To mold them into self-confident and socially responsible Citizens.


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Admission Process


Sri S.Ramasamy Naidu, familiarly called "SR" was an avid specializer and revolutionary. His realization that political freedom are of no worth unless there's freedom from illiteracy junction rectifier him to figure inexhaustibly for the nice reason behind education. due to his keen interest and initiative nowadays, this a part of Tamilnadu is endowed variety of academic establishments.  Four decades past, some nice philanthropists of this region based our school in memory of this visionary leader, so as to appreciate his noble ambition. it had been incepted at Nagalapuram village in 1970 with Thiru.V.Venugopala Krishnasamy Naidu as its Founder President. The Mission of the faculty was to serve the interests of the agricultural poor, facilitate them have the good thing about glorious education and notice employment, and thereby ameliorate their lifestyles.  In 1972, the faculty was shifted to Sattur. the faculty became a University-affiliated first-grade institute providing a degree course in B.A. Branch-I-History. Then the pressing would like for a a lot of spacious establishment was deeply felt. thus a forty-eight-acre website was purchased. due to the generosity of its innumerous benefactors over the years, it's potential for the faculty to possess variety of splendid buildings currently. during this regard, the faculty appreciatively remembers the openhandedness of a good presenter.



Sri S.Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College | Placement Cell

The college has a Placement Cell with faculty from various departments as members. It functions in close coordination with the career guidance cell. The vision of the Cell is to impart essential training to meet the expectation of industry and to help maximum number of students to get placed.

The Placement Cell maintains good rapport with various concerns that offer placement to the students. It arranges campus interviews and sends students to various off campus interviews. Further, the Cell conducts personality development classes in collaboration with the Career Guidance Cell.





The students are offered with Merit, First Graduate, AICTE Tution Fee Waiver, BC, MBC, and SC/ST Scholarships regularly



Sri S Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College, Virudhunagar Facilities

  • LibraryLibrary

    The college has a library facility for all students. A Library Committee is functioning in the college with the Principal as its chairperson and the Librarian as the coordinator. The committee has members from various departments. It decides the policy of enhancing library resources.

  • SportsSports

    The college has sports facilities for all students.

  • I.T InfrastructureI.T Infrastructure

    The college has an excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students. Internet Centre with 100 Systems is available for access of the students & faculty with 100 MBPS leased line support for 24 x 7.

  • AuditoriumAuditorium

    The college has an auditorium facility for events and seminars.

  • LaboratoriesLaboratories

    The college has a departmental-based laboratories facility for the students.

  • CafeteriaCafeteria

    The college has a Well-maintained canteen that provides hygienic food and refreshment at an affordable cost.

  • Medical/HospitalMedical/Hospital

    A well-furnished health center with a qualified nurse provides immediate medical care and first aid in times of emergency.

  • GymGym

    Highly sophisticated well-maintained Gym facilities with a wide range of equipment including multi-gm, weight, and powerlifting facilities, Dumbells, and Bench Press.

  • Guest Room/Waiting RoomGuest Room/Waiting Room

    The college has guest house/waiting room facilities for visiting faculty and student family members.

  • Alumni AssociationsAlumni Associations

    The college has good networking for the alumni association.

  • WifiWifi

    The college has Wi-Fi facility for the students and staff.

  • Transport FacilityTransport Facility

    The college has a transport facility for students and staff.

  • Boys HostelBoys Hostel

    The college has one for boy students. All three hostels have spacious and well-ventilated rooms. The rooms are furnished with ceiling fans and steel cots. Steam cooking is adopted in the hostels. The boy's hostel has one volleyball court. 

  • Girls HostelGirls Hostel

    The college has two separate hostels for girl students. All three hostels have spacious and well-ventilated rooms. The rooms are furnished with ceiling fans and steel cots. Steam cooking is adopted in the hostels. The girl's hostels have two volleyball courts. A paid phone is kept in the girl's hostels enabling the inmates to speak to their family members.

  • Convenience StoreConvenience Store

    Stationaries, hygiene supplies, and textbooks are sold here. A photocopying facility is also available.

  • Banks/ATMsBanks/ATMs

    All financial transactions can be made through the bank. ATM facilities are also available.


  • Transport FacilityTransport Facility

    The college has a transport facility for students and staff.

Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College



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Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College, Sattur, Virudhunagar Cutoff 2024



Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College Faculty Details


Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College Contact Number, Address & Location Map, Virudhunagar

04562 260326 / 91 - 94867 60326
Sri S.R.N.M College, Sattur - 626 203 Virudhunagar District, Tamil Nadu, India.





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