Sri Sarada Niketan College of Science for Women, Karur - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement

Thanthonimalai , Tamil Nadu - 639005

Sri Sarada Niketan College of Science for women, Karur, was hand-o-right in 1987 to cater to the educational needs of the women of Tamilnadu. It is a Self-financing College affiliated to Bharathidasan University. Character building and culture inclucation are the basis upon which the Superstructure of modern education is raised here. The education vision and mission of the college are reflected in the motto of the college. “ The Harmonious Development of the Hand, the Heart and the Head

Why Choose ?

Vision of the Institution :

         The girls who enter the portals of this Temple of Learning should leave it as, “NiraiNangaiyar” – (“The Perfect Women”) enlightened with excellence in wisdom and social service.


Mission of the Institution :

The vision of the college will be accomplished

   By contributing to the society with an appropriately educated perfect young generation of women .

   By infusing spiritual and ethical values in the minds of the student .

   By achieving the all-round development of the will power, emotion and cognition of the students through curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities,

   By encouraging and enlightening the students for excellence in higher education, research, extension and development.

   By reaching the unreached population in social, intellectual, moral and cultural facets .

   By imbibing love on the motherland and an eager intent to invigorate her through active service with the sense of espirit de corps .

   By inculcating Unity in diversity and respect for all religions coupled with firm adherence to one’s own religion.








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Admission Process

Table of Contents

·         SSNC BSc Admission

·         SSNC B.Com Admission

·         SSNC BBA Admission

·         SSNC BA Admission

·         SSNC M.Com Admission

·         SSNC MSc Admission

·         SSNC MA Admission

·         SSNC MCA Admission

·         SSNC BCA Admission

·         SSNC M.Phil Admission

·         SSNC Certificate Admission


SSNC UG  Admission

The candidate should have passed 10+2(PCM) with recognized board.

SSNC PG Admission

The candidate should have passed graduation in related with recognized university.

SSNC Certificate Admission

The candidate should passed 10+2 with recognized board.





Placement and Career Guidance Cell

         Placement and Career guidance cell is to guide students to choose right career and to give knowledge, skill, and aptitude and meet the manpower requirements of the Industry. The Placement and Career Guidance cell is working as a team to reduce the gap between the campus and corporate. Various activities are carried out to make them more employable as per the current scenario. The Placement cell firmly believes in Industry-Institute-Interaction. The activity includes managing stress, improving communication skills, developing confidence, exploring themselves on identification of values, resolving a personal problem, interests and personal strength needed for decision-making. It helps the students.


Ø  To arrange periodical courses on personality development.

Ø  To conduct Seminar, Special lectures, Career Guidance Programmes and Entrepreneurship.

Ø  To get placed in National and Multinational companies through ON/OFF campus recruitment.

Ø  To motivate and assist in industrial training and industrial visits.

Ø  To arrange inplant training during the vacation.

Ø  To Act as an information center for students in job opportunities and competitive examinations.


   This Cell makes earnest efforts to place the final year students in good jobs. Mock interviews are held to train the students to face interviews. Local schools and organizations approach the college for suitable candidates are helped by this cell in the selection of students. Campus interview are arranged by the Placement Cell in collaboration with companies.


Circulation Services:

·         Highlighting articles on departmental notice boards regarding Competitive & Industrial Career Opportunities .

·         Inform students about the available job opportunities in government sectors and off campus drives.

·         Arranging Motivational Talks .

·         Generation of awareness in the students regarding future career options available to them .


         Our institution is supporting the single parent, financially backward, orphans and merit children by way of providing full/part free fees concession for students towards academic, hostel and food requirements. The institution also provides fees concession of 100 % for the students who scores above 550 marks,75% for the students who scores above 500 marks and 50 % concession for the students who scores above 450 marks in Higher Secondary Examination. SC/ST students are offered scholarship by the Government through Minority Welfare Board. Minority community students, single Girl Child and Ulazhavar Card holders also get scholarships




         The language laboratory is very useful for assessing students' speech. It provides students with the technical tools to get the best samples of pronunciation of the language. The electronic devices used in the laboratory will stimulate the eyes and ears of the learner to acquire the language quickly and easily. The laboratory’s collection is designed to assist learners in the acquisition and maintenance of aural comprehension, oral and written proficiency. The students can get the experience of having interaction with native speakers through the laboratory. The language laboratory has become the need of the hour in any language learning process for communication.



         A laboratory is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed. In our college we have defined well established laboratories in the departments of Physics, Chemistry, Computer science,microbiology etc.


         Library plays a very vital role in an educational institution. This educational institution is fully committed in imparting of knowledge . It has the collection of 11,353 books , 31 magazines/Journals, Tamil, M.Com, Department Libraries. Book Banks books available at U.G departments.



         Quality education is an essential requisite in today's competitive environment. Technology has affected us in every aspect. Smart classes as a modernized method of education in Indian education scenario which provides quality education to students by helping them in better concept formation, concept elaboration, improvement in reading skills and academic achievement. A smart classroom is a classroom that has an instructor equipped with computer and audio-visual equipment, allowing the instructor to teach using a wide variety of media. These include smart interactive white board, DVD's, PPT's and more, all displayed through a data projector. Smart class is a digital initiative, which is rapidly transforming the way teachers teach and students learn. This makes learning an enjoyable experience for the students while improving their overall academic performance.


         “Matru Vihar or Mother’s House” – the Sarada Niketan College Hostel is a home away from home for about 150 students, some of whom are students from neighbouring districts. As an important wing of the college it is actualizing the Life-Training Programme, the Hostel trains its residents in a well – planned daily routine suited to simple living and high thinking and a life of both self-reliance and community living as practiced in our ancient Gurukulum. The hostel residents have an active life dotted with organizing functions and festivals as well as maintaining strict discipline and devotion to studies.


         Most of the students are coming from rural areas where transport facilities are often. Hence, our college provides free transport facilities to all the students .Our blooming transport facilities ensure that the students and staff can reach college in time and ease. The buses are also provided for field trips, educational tours and industrial visits.



         A canteen cum general store is available at the college premises with basic requirements for refreshing and for academic requirements .A hygienic wet and dry canteen serves healthy food and all basic stationaries.





         Most of the students are coming from rural areas where transport facilities are often. Hence, our college provides free transport facilities to all the students .Our blooming transport facilities ensure that the students and staff can reach college in time and ease. The buses are also provided for field trips, educational tours and industrial visits.

Sri Sarada Niketan College of Science for Women, Karur



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Sri Sarada Niketan College of Science for Women, Karur, Karur Cutoff 2024



Sri Sarada Niketan College of Science for Women, Karur Faculty Details


Sri Sarada Niketan College of Science for Women, Karur Contact Number, Address & Location Map, Karur

Esanatham Road, Kodangipatty, Thanthonimalai (POST), Karur - 639 005.





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