St. Joseph's College for Women, Coimbatore - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement
Tamil Nadu - 641604About SJC
St.Joseph’s College for Women, Tirupur is a Catholic Minority Institution established in the year 2000. It is run by the congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary, Coimbatore. The Institution was established by Very Rev. Mother Daria, the then Superior General of the Congregation with a vision to empower Women through quality education based on Christian values. As a Christian Minority Institution, the college is meant primarily for the higher education of catholic girls in the Christian atmosphere. Other Students however are admitted without distinction of caste or creed and their religious feelings are respected. The college affiliated to Bharathiar University offers graduate and postgraduate courses. Besides academics, the college aims at all-round development of the students especially in spiritual, social and civic values. It gives preference to the first generation learners and also to the socially and economically backward women. The motto of the college is “Knowledge Purifies and Charity Enhances”. It manifests a rich tradition of quality and value based system of learning to empower the women.
St.Joseph’s College aims to offer holistic education for the empowerment of young women and promote academic excellence, employability and leadership qualities with social commitment.
To impart Holistic education
To ignite Intellectual capabilities
To promote Communal harmony
To nurture Social Commitment
To develop Eco Consciousness
Submission of Application Form may be either through online or offline. In case of offline, the Application Forms duly filled by the candidate may be submitted with all relevant enclosures to the college office either in person or sent by Registered Post to the following
The filled in application should be supplemented by attested photo copies (xerox) of the following:
Transfer Certificate issued by the Institution last studied.
Mark Statement of Std XII.
Community Certificate.
Conduct Certificate.
The original certificates of the above mentioned should be produced at the time of admission.
Training and Placement Cell is an integral part of the college. The institute has provided complete infrastructure for effective functioning of the cell. Training activities are organized throughout the year with an aim towards preparing the students for the campus selection programmes. The cell encourages, regularly trains and provides opportunities for the students to attend various industries and other job fairs for campus recruitment.
Endowment Prizes
“Rayappan Memorial Prize”.
“V.S.Savarimuthu Pillai Memorial Prize” instituted by his daughter Mrs. Leema, Avinashi.
“A.Selvam Pillai Memorial Prize” instituted by his son Mr. Anthony Samy, Avinashi.
Merit Prize in the name of Sr.Nympha instituted by Dr.Sarathamani, Department of History, Nirmala College for women.
Merit Prize in the name of Rev.Sr.Savariammal instituted by Dr.Sarathamani, Department of History, Nirmala College for Women.
Merit Prize in the name of Dr.Rev.Sr.Dona Grace Jeyaseely instituted by Dr.Sarathamani, Department of History, Nirmala College for Women.
“Selvi Paint Prize” instituted by Mr. Arockia Raja.
Merit Prize instituted by 2013 batch students.
Merit Prize instituted by 2014 batch students.
Faculty Prize instituted by the Staff members.
“Alpha Constructions Prize” instituted by Mr. Savari
Fine Arts Club
Seminar Hall
Smart Class Room
Girls Hostel
Water Purifiers
Digital Library
Health Care
Chemistry Lab
Physics Lab
Computer Science Lab
Costume Lab
Language Lab
Fashion And Apparel Design Laboratory
Transport Facility
The College has buses which are made available to the students and the faculty members for commuting from various points in the city. This facility has made it possible to start classes on time and thereby fostering the academic process.
St. Joseph's College for Women, Coimbatore
St. Joseph's College for Women, Coimbatore, Tiruppur Cutoff 2024
St. Joseph's College for Women, Coimbatore Faculty Details
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