Thassim Beevi Abdul Kadar College for Women, Ramnad - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement

Tamil Nadu - 623517

  Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, affiliated to Alagappa University, Karaikudi, is situated in the industrially backward town of Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram District. The college was founded in 1988 by Alhaj Dr B S Abdur Rahman Sahib sponsored by Seethakathi Trust, Chennai which has established various educational institutions par excellence in Tamil Nadu.

  The Trust has been named after one of the greatest selfless benefactors of mankind, Seethakathi who lived in the 17th Century. He was a Merchant Prince and a great philanthropist born in Kilakarai. This college has been named after our founder's sister Mrs. Thassim Beevi and her husband Janab Abdul Kader. She and her husband died in an accident on 24th January 1977 while returning after attending the school day function at the Crescent Residential School, Chennai. Mrs. Thassim Beevi was a very enthusiastic lady, interested in the higher education for women

  The College was started with a sole aim of imparting higher education to all women of this locale, especially to the women of the minority community whose pitiable educational condition provoked our Founder to establish this college. It has been a boon to women, especially to Muslim community, for whom higher education was unreachable. Now that the college has completed its 31 years of dedicated educational service, many women have now passed through the portals of this institution with flying colours.

  The College has been fulfilling the norms and guidelines of the University Grants Commission (UGC), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), the State Government of Tamil Nadu and affiliated to Alagappa University, Karaikudi. The college has been recognized by UGC under 2f and 12(B) Act of 1956 to receive financial assistance from UGC and from other Central Resources.

 The College received the Best College Award from the Department of Youth Welfare Fora, Madurai Kamaraj University HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE Academic Calendar 2019-20 tbak college for women 19 for student services for three academic years (2000-01, 2001-02 and 2002-03). The College was upgraded with the status of autonomy since 2005-06. The Collegewas Nationally re-accredited with B Grade during 2009-2010 (2.78/4 point scale) and again reassessed for reaccreditation in January, 2012-13 and the same grade was retained by the college and again reassessed for reaccreditation in November, 2018-19 with B++Grade(2.89 pointscale). The college has gone for ISO 9001:2008 Certification issued on 11.03.2015 to 09.04.2018 and again gone for ISO 9001:2015 Certification issued on 20.11.2018 to 4.10.2021

   The College which was started with the strength of just 65 students and a total of 11 staff members has grown steadily and at present it has above 2061 students enrolled in various disciplines of Arts and Sciences, both at the under-graduate, post-graduate levels and Research, with 121 members of faculty along with 74 members of non-teaching staff and with 14 technical staff.

  Realizing the growth of science and technology in modern times and need of computers in our day-today life, the college offers both undergraduate and postgraduate Programmes in Arts, Humanities and Sciences to meet out the challenging demands of the placement sector. The college is extending its Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) to neighbourhood villages and to the local community through Community Social Service (CSS) and the Seethakathi NGO under Seethakathi Trust



Why Choose ?


   Achieving Candidly Eminent Distinction in the Realm of Women’s Higher Education through TRUST – ‘Teaching, Research, Uprightness, Service and Transformation’.


   Making the Nation Proud by Striving to Achieve Quality Higher Education for the Women an Affordable Reality through Steadfast Involvement, Gracious Munificence, Articulated Thoughts and Accelerating Resoluteness Generating Enviable Tomorrow (SIGMA TARGET).


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Tab Tab 3 selected


1. Scholarship Application Form

2. Photo (2)

3. Copy of Previous Year Mark Sheet

 4. Income Certificate (Recent)

 5. Community Certificate

 6. Nativity Certificate

7. Copy of Bank Pass book First Page

 8. Copy of Aadhar card

 9. Bonafide Certificate

10. Copy of College fee receipt

11. Previous Year Attendance Certificate

 12. Sports Achievement Certificate (for SDAT scholarship)

13. Disability Certificate (for Disability scholarship) Further Details Refer National Scholarship Web Portal :



     ANTI – RAGGING According to the order of Supreme Court and Ragavan Committee report Anti- Ragging Committee and Anti- Ragging Squads are formed to curb the incident of ragging on the campus.

    The Committee includes the Principal, Vice Principals, Deans of Arts & Sciences, Student Council members, two representatives from Parent - Teacher Association. Various necessary measures are taken to safeguard and protect the juniors and also to inculcate strong ethical values among all the students. This has come into effect from 2010-11 onwards.

    True extract of the proceedings of the conference on Elimination of Ragging in colleges organized at Raj Bhavan on 23.7.2009.Students affected by ragging can call the No.1800 180 5522 and register their complaints. The Anti-Ragging Helpline is a nationwide, toll free number where students, parents, hostel workers or anybody will be able to call 24x7 any time of the day or night even without giving the caller’s name. On getting a complaint call, they will respond within minutes by informing the College authorities, and keep a close watch on the situation and if necessary, they will inform the police. The police in turn will be obliged to file an FIR as soon as the complaint has been registered.

     All the students are encouraged to inform the helpline for every incident or even an apprehension of ragging at any level. Even if a student has direct gone to their head of institutions and made a complaint, they may register a complaint with the helpline as well.

    The helpline (1800-180-5522) will be operated round-the-clock and function as a watchdog. Once a student calls and registers a complaint, the process of giving him assistance will start within 15 minutes.

    In Addition to National helpline facility, the Ramnad district antiragging and eve-teasing cell has got a separate mobile no: 9488810086 and Email-ID for students and public use.

For further contact

Contact Address : Ramnad district

Anti Ragging Cell, SP Office, Ramnad.


1. Principal

 2. Vice Principals

3. Deans of Arts and Sciences

4. Student Council Members

5. Two representatives from Parent - Teacher Association


1. Purpose

   TBAK College for women is committed to creating a teaching and learning environment that supports the effective and innovative use of information technology. This Policy and Procedures applies to anyone who uses College information technology (IT) resources. The resources covered by this Policy and Procedures include, but are not limited to, computer hardware and software, mobile communication devices, telephone and data networks, College websites, and electronically stored data. This Policy and Procedures supports an information technology environment that meets the mission of the College in teaching, learning, and administration by promoting.

a) integrity, reliability, availability, and performance of IT resources

b) assurance that IT resources are used for their intended purposes

c) procedures for addressing policy violations


Access to IT resources is a privilege, not a right or guarantee. The College reserves the right to extend, limit, restrict, or deny privileges and access to information technology resources. All information technology users are bound by all applicable

local, state, and national laws. This Policy and Procedures identifies related College policies and procedures that are associated with appropriate use of technology resources and the protection of College data.

   The College provides a wide range of IT resources to support the teaching and learning mission and actively protects the information technology environment. The College is not responsible for information and materials residing on non-College systems or available over publicly accessible networks.


    The college library was established in the year 1988 with just 600 books to its credit. Now it has about 27,876 books and more than 208 periodicals including National & International Journals. The library has innovative infrastructure facilities like AUTOLIB software with modern technology such as DSpace serves with Wi-Fi connections and the library system includes central and the departmental libraries. Our College Librarymembershipwith British Council, AIRC (American Information Resource Center) Chennai, DELNET & N-List, NPTEL Digital Video Library and National Digital Library (free access). Library Security System-CCTV camera can be used in libraries to monitor the student activities in the library.

Library Facilities:

Open access system is followed.

Library hours are allotted for the students during working hours.

The college library runs a book bank for the benefit of the poor students.

The Library has Provides

  Reprography facility and it charges Rs.1/- per copy

  Printout facility and it charges Rs.3/- (word format) & Rs.5/- (image format)  

  Alumnae students, mothers of the Pearl Montessori School students and teachers of the local schools, community college staff and Housewives of Kilakarai can make use of the college library after the college working hours.

  The library accepts donations of manuscripts, books and journals etc., which are found useful to the students

  The library provides two tokens of each student for books transactions

   COLLEGE TUCKSHOP A Tuck shop is situated inside the College Campus where all notebooks, record papers and stationery items are sold to students at a fair price.

    COLLEGE CANTEEN There is a canteen within the campus. Refreshments are served in the canteen on all working days. Day Students can have their lunch in the canteen on a nominal rate.

    PHOTOCOPY FACILITY A Reprographic system is installed in the college library for the benefit of the students at the nominal rate.

    BROWSING FACILITY All the students can make use of 2Mbps Broad Band, which is available throughout the College campus BSNL 50 mbps Leased line with Wifi facilities




Students who wish to travel by college bus will have to register their names in the college office at the time of their admission. 

Thassim Beevi Abdul Kadar College for Women, Ramnad



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Thassim Beevi Abdul Kadar College for Women, Ramnad, Ramanathapuram Cutoff 2024



Thassim Beevi Abdul Kadar College for Women, Ramnad Faculty Details


Thassim Beevi Abdul Kadar College for Women, Ramnad Contact Number, Address & Location Map, Ramanathapuram

(04567) 241933 / 241934 , (04567) 24147
No. 8/93 & 94, Pearl Matriculation School Road, Kilakarai, Kilakarai Taluk Ramanathapuram District Post Box No: 9





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