Thiruvalluvar Arts and Science College, Cuddalore - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement
Tamil Nadu - 607302Thiuvalluvar Arts and Science College was established by Shri Jayaganapathy Educational Trust in the year 1996. The Trust sought Perrmission from the Government of TamilNAdu tostart a self financing college in the name of great sage Thiruvalluvar at Kurinjipadi, one of the most backward areas in Cuddalore District.
Twenty Two years ago many people of this area scorned the idea of starting a college socially and educationally backward area like kurinjipadi. Many people thought that there was a little scope for academic growth and prosperity. The able and efficient management obtained permission from the Government of the TamilNadu, vide G.O M.S no 549, and subsequently got affiliation to the University of Madras in the academic year 1997-98. Since 2003 onwards, the college has been affiliated to Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore. The College in the year 1997 started functioning with the following courses: B.Sc Computer Science, B.Sc Bio-Chemistry, B.Sc Microbiology, BBA and B.Com.
When the college started functioning in 1997, there were only 100 students with nine teaching,six non-teaching staff members and a Principal. Now in 2021, the College has grown with academic students numbering 1500 and 74 teaching and 36 non-teaching staff members. In the academic year 2000-2001 affiliation has been granted by university of Madras to start two additional courses: i) BCA ii)B.Sc Electronics.
And in the following year 2001-2002, this Institution has been upgraded as a PG Institution by obtaining affiliation to the following courses: i) M.Sc Information Technology ii) M.Com iii)M.Sc Applied Microbiology(2002-2003) iv) M.A English (2010-2011) v)M.Sc Mathematics(2016-2017). The College also sought affiliation to two additional courses: B.A English and B.Sc Chemistry(2012-2013).
Thanks to the dedicationand commitment from the management, teaching and non-teaching staff and the administration. Thiruvalluvar Arts and Science College, has grown to its full capacity with thirteen disciplines in UG and five disciplines in PG Courses.
Pride of our College
We have the University approved principal and staff members. In our efforts towards academic excellence and growth, we have initiated action to bridge the gap between the institution and industry. We assess the student's strength and weakness in academics and aptitude and address their needs through various Bridge courses, Spoken English classes, invited lecturers, seminars and counselling classes. We use information technology internet and other visual aids in our teaching methods. Most of Our staff-members are Ph.D., holders and some of them have passed SLET/NET Examination.
APPLIATION FEE Application form for admission is available on payment of Rs.100/- for UG course and Rs.150/- for the PG course at the college office. The application will be issued in person only. (The Application fee is likely to be changed at the time admission)
The students can apply online by clicking Apply Online
Students can also fill the Application by downloading it from the below Link and submit to Office.
UG Application
PG Application
Filled in application
should reach the Principal within 10 days from the Date of publication of +2 results. Late applications will be considered only after exhausting applications received in time. Separate Application should be filled in for the different choices of subject/faculty.
The following items shall be enclosed with the application form: (i) Copy of the Community Certificate issued by Revenue Officer, in respect of BC/MBC/SC/ST candidates.
Scholarship offered by BC/MBC and SC/ST welfare department.
National Merit Scholarship.
Scholarship for the physically challenged Students.
Scholarship for daughter and sisters of Defence Service Personnel.
Government of India Scholarship for children of Primary and Secondary School Teachers
Ex – Servicemen Scholarship.
UGC - Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship Scheme for single girl Child.
Kalki Krishnamoorthi Memorial Scholarship.
Farmer’s Scholarship / Labour Welfare Scholarship etc.
Physical Education
Our Students Play a vital role in taking part in intramural, inter collegiate and inter university tournaments. competitions are being conducted every year and for the past three years, an average of eight students have been representing Thiruvalluvar University on getting prizes in inter-state matches and events. Our college also conducts Inter Divisional matches in our college campus.
Our College is situated in a rural area. Most of the students hail from tiny hamlets with no access to sports facilities. Our aim is to inculcate the sporting spirit in them by giving opportunities to play inter-collegiate and inter-university tournaments and place them at National level.
A sound mind can be possible only in a sound body. Our Mission lies in instilling the spirit of peace and constructing vitality with our youth to serve the Nation.
Physical Education Director
The power house of knowledge, our library has elaborate arrangements for physical conservation of books for posterity. It is the apex body of the library system serving as an open library for the students of all discipline, and it is a permanent repository of all documents published throughout the globe. It is the nerve centre of the entire campus catering to the needs of the staff and students in full measure thereby, supplementing the teaching methods. It contains over 11179 books with 5450 various titles. In addition it also subscribes to nearly 51 journals and periodicals.
Library has a Constant addition of titles and volumes in all fields of Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Home Science, Languages, Commerce & Management, Computer Sciences and Visual Communication is a regular feature. Our library has reprographic facilities for staff and students to enrich their knowledge.
The library has vast assess to various online e-resources, we are in the process of implementing digital library enabling the students and faculties to have access to a vast number of e-books and journals.
Library Committee
Mr. K. Chandrasekaran, Librarian(co-ordinator)
Dr. M. Rajarajan, HOD of Chem(Member)
Mr. R. Venkatesan, Ass Prof of Commerce(Member)
National Service Scheme
Two units of National Service Scheme are functioning in this college with the motto pf education, not me but you, through social service.
The objective of NSS students should be, not to treat their period of study as one of the opportunities for indulgence in intellectual luxury, but for preparing themselves for final dedication in the service of those who provided the sinews of the nation with the national goods & services so essential to society. NSS students should do "something positive so that the life of the villagers might be raised to a higher material and moral level".
There are two NSS units in our college. One for the boys and another one for the girls. Both units regularly involve themselves in campus cleaning works and serving the small villages in and around Kurinjipadi. Every year ten day camps are arranged for the needy villages. Regular Blood Donation camps are conducted. During Tsunami and Thane cyclone our NSS students did commendable work.
NSS Co-ordinators
2. Mrs. D. KAVIDHA, Asst Prof of Tamil ( GIRLS UNIT)
Red Ribbon Club & Youth Red Cross Society
Youth Red Cross organization of our college has been functioning in our college for the past ten years. The volunteers are selected on the basics of service mind to the society at times of crisis. The otherwise abled, orphans, destitutes, are cared for and literacy, pollution control, global warming and traffic regulations are regularly monitored..
They are trained for first aid and voluntary blood donation throughout the district. Activities are being organaized regularly. Cleanliness, Health, Tree plantation, Medical Camp, AIDS Awareness.
Co Ordinator:
Thiruvalluvar Arts and Science College, Cuddalore
Thiruvalluvar Arts and Science College, Cuddalore, Cuddalore Cutoff 2024
Thiruvalluvar Arts and Science College, Cuddalore Faculty Details
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