Vivekananda College, Agasteeswaram, Kanyakumari - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement
Tamil Nadu - 629702This institution was established in July 1965 by the Vivekananda Educational Society, Agasteeswaram as a living memorial to Swami Vivekananda to commemorate the Birth Centenary of the great sage of the east. Nestling amidst sylvan surroundings, the campus lies in close proximity to the imposing Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Kanyakumari.
The principal objective of this Society is to hold the students belonging to different faiths to grasp the significance of our indigenous culture and ancient heritage through a study of the teaching of Vivekananda there by promoting the cause of national integration by focusing attention on the University of appeal develop the College into a residential unitary University bearing the great Swamiji’s name which will in course of time, turn out countless Vivekanandas who will work ceaselessly for international understanding and universal peace.
The history of the beginning of the College is a saga of daring pluck and self confidence displayed by the sponsors, notably its chief architect and promoter, Thiru.S.D.PANDIANADAR, B.A., a retired senior officer of the erstwhile Travancore-Cochin Government. It was to Thiru.S.D. Pandianadar that the idea of starting a college in the name of the great patriotic saint of India first occurred and when he mooted it among his friends and relations, they hailed it enthusiastically. He then issued appeals to his friends for donation of lands and he himself offered 1.5 acres of his valuable land, for the purpose. Thiru.G.A.Marthandan, honoured as a patron member of the society came forward to help in a grand way by donating 5.5 acres in that area. Others followed suit and the sponsors were finally able to get a compact area of 30 acres of land for starting the College. The area has now increased to 60 acres.
Vivekananda College is situated at the peninsular tip of India, where the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean confluent. The college was founded in July 1965 by Vivekananda Educational Society, Agasteeswaram to commemorate the historic sojourn of Swami Vivekananda at Kanyakumari in December 1892. Nestling amidst sylvan surroundings, the campus lies in proximity to the imposing Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Kanyakumari.
One of the chief aims of the Founders of the College is to provide the necessary milieu in the campus that will not only stimulate in the students a desire to learn and follow the teachings of the great Swamiji after whom the college is named, but also help them to acquire an awareness of the glory of our ancient heritage on a full, liberal and comprehensive education.
The College was accredited with B + grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) on 21-05-2006 and was reaccredited with B + grade on 02-11-2018. The college is certified by the International Certification Authority with ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certification on 14-12-2017, for providing quality educational services in Arts and Sciences for Graduation, Post-graduation and Research.
Vivekananda college is one of the important extension service units of the college. This Cell makes earnest efforts to place the final year students in good jobs.Mock interviews are held to train the students to face real life interviews.Local schools and organisations that approach the college for suitable candidates are helped by this cell in the selection of students.Campus interviews are arranged by the placement Cell in collabaration with companies in chennai and other places
Basic aim of the Library to serve to the needs of our Faculty Members, Research Scholars, and Students.
When Vivekananda College was started in 1965, the Library had well equipped with the rare books collection, Biographies, and Encyclopedias. In August 1974 Thiru. V. Ayyaswamy took charge of the Library. There was no Department Library at that time. Now we have followed colon classification system. The open access system was followed from 2011. The books were issued daily to the staff and students. Today the total number of volumes in the Library is 29891 and the book bank in 640 volumes. There are six computers on LAN and BSNL Net connected. The Department Libraries are at function now. In addition to Books, leading seven News Papers, more than twenty Journals and leading Tamil & English Magazines are also made available to the staff and students. We have department libraries in English, Tamil, Mathematics and Economics.
Vivekananda College, Agasteeswaram, Kanyakumari
Vivekananda College, Agasteeswaram, Kanyakumari, Kanniyakumari Cutoff 2024
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