Candidates from the General category must have a minimum of 50% in Class XII to sit for the Rajasthan JET examination as per Rajasthan JET eligibility criteria 2024. The minimum percentage of marks required for reserved category candidates is 45% as per Rajasthan JET 2024 eligibility criteria.
Unit A
Food production and its importance in the economy and nutritional security. History of Indian agriculture, branches, importance and scope. Weather and Climate- Definition, elements,effects on crops, general introduction to weather related equipments- Rain gauge, maximum
minimum thermometer, dry and wet hygrometer, wind vane, and anemometer. Irrigation– Requirement, time and quantity, methods of irrigation. Concept of precision and pressure irrigation- drip and sprinkler irrigation. Weed- Definition, peculiarities, classification,
harmful effect, extension, methods of multiplication, weed control (mechanical, chemical &
biological), Arid Agriculture- Definition, importance & principle, Crop rotationDefinition, importance and principle.
Soil- Definition, composition, structure, texture, soil water, air, soil temperature, soil porosity and factors affecting it. Saline, acidic and alkali soil and their management, soils of Rajasthan. Soil samplings and its methods. Introduction to soil pH and organic carbon. Nutrient fertilizer- Essential plant nutrients, importance and deficiency symptoms, importance of fertilizer, type (NPK) and methods of application. Irrigation - Importance of irrigation, sources of irrigation, water requirement of crops. Water drainage- Definition,need, importance, water logging, need of water conservation and methods (well, water recharge, water harvesting), Introduction to agriculture machinery- Definition and type of tillage, deshi plough, harrow, cultivator, combine harvester, seed cum fertilizer drill, planter, MB plough. Seed- Definition, type & quality of seed, seed production, seed dormancy. Role of Genetics and Plant breeding in self and cross-pollinated crops improvement, methodsof breeding in field crops-introduction, Selection, Hybridization, Mutation.
Agricultural Economics, Cooperative system in Agriculture, Crop insurance. Kisan Credit Cards. Marketing of Agricultural products (supply chain, retailing, wholesale), haats. Agronomy- Definition, importance and scope, soil fertility and productivity– Factor affect soil erosion & conservation. Crop production- Study of following crops under Rajasthan climate condition in following points: botanical name, family, importance, climate, soil, preparation of field, improved varieties, seed rate, seed treatment, time of sowing, sowing method, manure & fertilizers, irrigation, intercropping plant protection & harvesting, threshing, yield and post-harvest management: Cereal- Rice, maize, sorghum, pearl millet,
wheat & barley. Pulses- Black gram, green gram, mothbean, gram, pegionpea, and cowpea. Oilseed- Mustard & rapeseed, groundnut, soybean, linseed and sunflower. Fodder- Lucerne and berseem, Cash crops- Sugarcane, potato, and cluster bean, Fiber crops- Cotton and
sunhemp. Organic farming: Definition, importance, concept, history, present status and future scope of organic farming, contribution in national economy, important food products grown organically. Organic manure and their utility, farm yard manure. Bio-fertilizer - Type &
methods of application. Biological control of insect & diseases. Preparation of bio-pesticides
(plant based). General introduction to sustainable agriculture.
Unit B
Importance and scope of fruit and vegetable crops, present position and future scope. Orchard management- Selection of site, planning, layout, pit filling, plantation, adverse weather condition- Frost, hot wind, hailstorm, drought, dust storm, heavy rainfall and their remedies. Unfruitfulness and their remedies. Alternate bearing in orchard and their solution. Application of plant growth regulators in orchards. Study of following important fruit crops with special reference to- Botanical name, family, importance, climate, soil, improved
varieties, plant propagation, planting, manure & fertilizer, irrigation, weeding & hoeing, yield
and plant protection of- Mango, citrus (orange mandarin and lime), banana, guava,
pomegranate, papaya, grapes, aonla, ber, date palm, & bael. Vegetable- Classification of
vegetable, on the basis of season and vegetable parts used, type of vegetable cultivationCommercial & kitchen gardening. Nursery- Definition, importance, soil preparation and layout, sowing, transplanting, plant propagation- sexual and asexual. Vegetable cultivation- Botanical name, family, importance, climate, soil & field preparation, sowing, seed rate and treatment, improved varieties, manures & fertilizer, irrigation, weeding
and hoeing, plant protection, yield- Tomato, brinjal, chilli, cauliflower, cabbage, pea, okra, carrot, radish, spinach, onion, garlic, round gourd, bitter guard, bottle guard, ridge guard, pumpkin. Ornamental gardening- Type of garden (formal and informal), private, public and school garden, Study of ornamental plant- trees, bush, climbers, and seasonal flower. Flower cultivation- Botanical name, importance, climate, soil, field preparation, plant propagation, improved varieties, planting, manure & fertilizer, care, picking & yield of rose, marigold, chrysanthemum and gladiolus. Spices- Cumin, coriander, fenugreek & fennel. Introduction and utility of medicinal plant- Safed musali, Guggal, sanay, isabgol,
Ashwagandha. Mushroom- Its nutritional status and methods of production. Beekeeping and its importance, uses and importance of honey, wax and royal jelly. Post-harvest- Importance,scope and future of post-harvest management of fruits, vegetables and flowers. Status of
food processing in our country. Packaging, quality standards and their marketing including export. Preservation of fruits and vegetable- Present position of fruit and vegetable preservation, principle & methods of fruit preservation. Canning of fruit & vegetable, jam, jelly, marmalade, preserve, sauce, ketchup, pickle and squash. Flowers and their harvesting- Important processed flower products, packaging, storage and their marketing.
Unit C
Importance of Livestock in Indian economy. Determination of age by teeth, horn, hoof and body condition of animals and weight- by using Shafer formula, Animal BreedingIdentification of heat, introduction to reproductive organs, natural & artificial insemination. General test of pregnancy. Care and management of pregnant & calwing animals. Animal nutrition- General principle of animal feeding. Determination of feed for- Pregnant & milking cow and bullock. Feed preservation- Hay and silage- Definition, importance, method for preparation. Animal health- Identification of healthy & suffering animals. Identification of general disease & treatment- Wounds, eczema, sprain, itching, inflammatory, indigestion, bloat, diarrhoea, dysentery & food poisoning. Parasite- Lice & kilni. General medicine for animals and their utility- Phenyl, potassium permanganate, magnesium sulphate, alcohol, copper sulphate, tincher iodine, carboxylic acid, laizol, castor oil, kapoor, phenovis, alum, terpentine oil. Milking methods- By hand and machine, Poultry: Importance and scope, breeds of poultry & their classification. Study of poultry breeds- White leghorn, rod island red, red carnish, ply mouth rock breeds. Structure of egg. Poultry feed and housing management. Important disease of poultry (cause, symptoms and treatment). Characteristics and utility of following animal breeds Cow-Gir,Tharparkar,
Haryana, Nagori, Malvi, Mewati, Rathi, Jersy and Holestein Friesian. Buffalo- Murrah, Bhadawari, Surti, Neeli, Jafrabadi and Mehsana. Sheep- Marwari, Chokla, Malpuri, Marino, Karakul, Avivastra, Adikalin and Jaisalmeri. Camel- Bikaneri & Jaisalmeri, management of camel. Animal diseases- Rinderpest, foot & mouth disease, black quarter, anthrax, Hemorrhagic septicaemia, mastitis, tick fever, milk fever, enterotoxaemia, salmonellosis, bird flue, fowl fox, and Ranikhet trypanosome & itching. Dairy science- Milk and milk productsCurd and ghee. Development and dairy industry in India- White revolution and operation flood. Bio-Waste Management and Government: Utilization of animals in Bio-wastes and Biogas plant, Important government schemes for development of livestock dairy and poultry in India. Their important features and eligibility criteria.
Event | Date |
Date of Release of Notification | 9 March 2024 |
JET 2024 Start Form Date | 14 March 2024 |
JET 2024 Last Date | 15 April 2024 |
Last date for filling & online depositing the applications with late fee Rs 500 | 18 April 2024 |
JET 2024 Admit Card Release Date | 27 May 2024 |
JET 2024 Exam date | 2 June 2024 |
Answer Key Date | 7 June 2024 |
Rajasthan JET 2024 Result Date | 19 June 2024 |
Opening of Option Form for Main Online Counselling | 1 July 2024 |
Official site - https://www.jetauj2024.com/
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