TS-EDCET - 2025
A candidate must possess a Bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized university with a minimum aggregate of 50% (for general candidates) or 45% (for SC/ST/PH candidates).
Syllabus for Mathematics
Number System
Fundamental operations ( and properties of different number systems up to Real Numbers- properties of numbers like even, odd, prime, composite, co-prime, multiples, factors etc. - prime factorization, LCM and HCF of numbers- number patterns-progressions(arithmetic progression) – Playing with numbers(divisibility rules, number puzzles) – fractions and decimals and their conversions with and without division- laws of logarithmsMathematical units and their conversions.
Sets and their representation – types of sets – operations on sets – Venn diagrams
Commercial Mathematics
Ratio – inverse ratio, compound ratio - Proportion (direct and indirect) – unitary method – percentage – conversion from fraction, decimal to percentage and viceversa- profit and loss- discount – Interest (simple and compound) – Time and distance – Time and work – Goods and Service Tax(GST)
Variables and constants, terms, expressions, degree – types of expressions (based on degree and terms)
Operations on Algebraic expressions-laws and properties of exponents – factorization– algebraic Identities- polynomials and their zeroes – remainder theorem and factor theorem – relationship between zeroes and coefficients of polynomials.
Simple linear equations (in one variable and two variables) – pair of linear equations in two variables (conditions for consistent, inconsistent and dependent and their geometrical interpretations) and their solutions – Quadratic equations (nature ofroots) and finding the roots and forming a quadratic equation when roots are given.
Basic geometric ideas (point, line, plane etc) – Angles (types of angles)
Lines and angles – pairs of angles (complementary, supplementary etc) vertically opposite angles, linear pair- parallel lines and a transversal, different angles formed and properties related to them Types of triangles (based on sides and angles) and their properties-triangle inequalities – congruency and similarity of triangles and their criterion- basic proportionality theorem and converse-Pythagoras theorem and converse – areas of similar triangles
Different types of quadrilaterals (trapezium, parallelogram etc.) and their properties – mid-point theorem and its converse.
Parts of a circle – different angles formed by an arc (chord) – perimeter and area of a sector – segments of a circle – tangents and secants to a circle and their properties.
Cartesian system- plotting a point- distance between two points – section formula (mid-point, centriod etc) – area of triangle – collinearity-slope of a line
Perimeter and area of plane figures (triangle, circle etc) – surface areas and volumes of different solid figures (cube, cylinder, etc)
Trigonometric ratios – values for specific angles ( - complementary angles – trigonometric identities – angle of elevation and depression and simple problems related to them.
Data Handling
Collection, classification and types of data – tabular forms – graphical representation of data (pictogram, bar graph etc) – reading and interpretation of data from graphs – mean, median and mode of ungrouped data – simple problems related to probability (dice, coins, deck of cards etc)-concept of complementary events.
Syllabus for Physical Science
Transparent, translucent, opaque material.
Characteristics of Solids, Liquids, Gases - sink & float - Soluble in water. Methods of separation (Hand packing, Winnowing, Sedimentation, Sewing, Filtration, Crystallization, Evaporation, Sublimation, Chromatography).
Characteristics of acids, bases – Change in colour of litmus (Red, Blue) –examples for acids & bases in daily life – Acid rains , impact, remedies - Neutralization -usesof acids, bases in daily life – Acidic and basic nature of salts - uses of salts.
Natural fiber, Synthetic fiber - Burning test - Blending – Laundry label symbols – plastic resin codes – Thermoplastics, Thermosetting plastics – Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, Recover.
General Physical Properties of Metals and non metals – Uses of metals and nonmetals in daily life.
Archimedes principle – Pascal’s principle and uses.
Formation of shadow – Characteristics of shadow – straight line motion of light, pinhole camera – differences between shadow and images.
Reflection of light - Laws of reflection – Plane of reflection - Periscope – concave and convex mirrors - making of solar cooker.
Refraction of light - total internal reflection, applications - mirages – types of lensesuses of convex and concave lenses in daily life.
Least distance of distinct vision – Angle of vision – Accommodation defects of human eye (Myopia, Hypermetropia, presbyopia) and their corrections – power of lens. Dispersion and formation of rainbow, Scattering & Blue colour of the sky, Red colour of Sun at the time of dawn & dusk.
Electricity & Magnetism
Types of magnets – like, unlike poles.
Simple electric circuit – symbols of components of circuit - torch. Conductors,Insulators – parts of dry cell – series & parallel connections of dry cells and bulbs.
Electric conductivity of liquids - Electroplating, uses of it.
Heating effects of electric current – Fuse & MCB – electricity bill & unit - electricshock, precautions.
Difference between motor & generator – difference between AC and DC.
Heat is a form of energy – Heat and temperature – Thermometer (clinical thermometer, laboratory thermometer).
Evaporation, factors affecting evaporation – condensation – Humidity – Dew & Fog – Boiling, Melting, Freezing – Enormous expansion of water
Sound Production of Sound – Propagation of sound in solids, liquids, gases, & vacuumStructure of human ear.
Types of waves( transverse, Longitudinal) – wave length, Amplitude, Loud and feeble sounds – Time period, Frequency, pitch – speed of sound wave in solids, liquids, gases.
Reflection of sound – Echo - Reverberation. Audible Range –Infrasonic sounds, Ultrasonic sounds, Uses of Ultrasonicsounds.
Production of Sound – Propagation of sound in solids, liquids, gases, & vacuum - Structure of human ear.
Types of waves( transverse, Longitudinal) – wave length, Amplitude, Loud and feeble sounds – Time period, Frequency, pitch – speed of sound wave in solids, liquids, gases.
Reflection of sound – Echo - Reverberation. Audible Range –Infrasonic sounds, Ultrasonic sounds, Uses of Ultrasonicsounds.
Sound Pollution, effects, measures to be taken to control sound pollution.
Uniform, Non-uniform motion –Translatory motion (Rectilinear motion, Curvilinear motion), Rotatory motion, Oscillatory motion.
Field forces (Magnetic force, Electrostatic force, Gravitational force) – Contact forces ( Muscular force, Friction, Normal force, Tension) - Net Force, Free body diagram. Effects of force.
Factors affecting friction – Measures to be taken to increase friction, measures to be taken to decrease friction.
Potential energy, Kinetic energy. Renewable & Non-renewable energy resources.
Finding centre of gravity.
Equations of Uniform accelerated motion.
Daily life examples of Newton’s Laws of Motion (1,2,3).
Change in seasons – Natural, man made changes – Permanent, temporary changes – Change in state & shape of material – Reasons for change – Indications of change – Physical Change, Chemical Change.
Rusting of Iron / Corrosion, Galvanization - Browning of Cut vegetables & its prevention – Crystallization.
Weather & Climate
Measuring the components of weather –Maximum-Minimum thermometer – Rain Gauge – Humidity.
Air exerts pressure – Air expands on heating – effects of moving air- formation of Cyclone - Do’s and Dont’s during Cyclones – Post cyclone measures.
Coal & Petrol
Uses of coal, petroleum, natural gas - Byproducts of petroleum, uses. Formation ofcoal, petroleum – Indiscriminate usage of energy resources , its effects.
Combustion - Ignition temperature – fuel, Calorific Value. Fire Control. Structure of Flame , Zonesin it.
Some Natural Phenomena
Producing charge on an object – identifying charge on an object – measures to be taken during thunder – lightening conductor – earth quakes, causes, protection – seismograph – Richter scale
Stars & Solar System Sundial – phases of moon - Types of solar and lunar eclipses – constellations – Pole star – Solar system(P l a n e t s, Asteroids,Comets, Meteors).
Minerals, ores, Reactivity series of Metals.
Chemical Reactions
Elements – Compounds – Mixtures -Types of Mixtures (Homogeneous, Heterogeneous) – Solutions – Solvent, Solute.
Types of chemical reactions (chemical combination, chemical decomposition, chemical displacement, chemical double displacement / double decomposition).
Syllabus for Biological Science
Food from plants and animals –methods of preparing food- food preservation methods- food components- Carbohydrates- Proteins – Fats – Vitamins – balanced diet- malnutrition – deficiency diseases- Food capture in organisms - food habits in animals.
Living Organisms
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell - Plant cell and animal cell- cell structure and functions- plant and animal tissues. Plant parts and functions - fibre from plants.
Characteristics of living organism- parts helps in movement of human beings and animals - characteristics of different animal Phyla - metamorphosis in organisms sense organs.
Useful and harmful micro organisms - infectious and non - infectious diseases.
Life Processes
Human digestive system- Human respiratory system – Human circulatory system – Human Excretory system – Human nervous system - Human Endocrine system - Human reproductive system - cell cycle - mitosis - meiosis - sex determination in human being – Physical and behavioral changes in adolescence - reproductive health.
Flower parts - vegetative propagation-seed dispersal.
Types of ecosystems –Terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic ecosystems-adaptations in plants and animals living in different ecosystems – food chain – food web – endemic – endangered and extinct species – sanctuaries and National parks.
Cultivation – irrigation – fertilisation – challenges in improving agricultural products.
Sources and effects of air, water, soil and sound pollution.
4 Rs-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover.
Syllabus for Social Studies
Our Earth: Evolution, Latitudes and Longitudes, Movements of the Earth and Seasons, Relief Features of India, Reading and Making Maps, Water Resources – Rivers and Tanks.
Climate and Weather: Factors affecting the Climate and Weather, Natural Realms of the Earth: Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere, Natural Vegetation, Population, Settlements and Migration
Indus Valley Civilization, Emergence of Kingdoms: Mahajanapadas, First Empires: Mauryan Empire, Emergence of Regional Kingdoms – Kakatiyas and Vijayanagara Kingdoms, Mughal Empire, Establishment of British Empire in India, Freedom Movement of India, Democratic and Nationalist Revolutions, Industrial Revolution, Colonialism in Latin America, Asia and Africa
Social Protest Movements : Environmental Movements, Women’s Movements, World Between World Wars, Post World Wars – League of Nations, UNO, NAM, Cold War, The Movement for the formation of Telangana State
Political Science
Indian Constitution- Salient Features, Forms of Government – Presidential and Parliamentary forms of Government, Government at Different Levels- Union, State, Local Self Government, Judicial System in India: Civil Law, Criminal Law, Courts at different levels.
Democracy : An Evolving Ideas; Expansion of Democracy-Libya, Myanmar, Election Process in India.
Rights: Human Rights and Fundamentals Rights, Disaster Management.
Social Issues: Communalism, Corruption, Poverty
Independent India: 1947-1977, Emerging Political Trends- 1977-2000, Women Protection Acts-Child Rights, Traffic Education.
Money and Banking, Sectors of Economy: Agricultural, Industries, Service, Credit in Financial System, Prices and Cost of Living, The Government Budget and Taxation, Food Security, Factors of Production, Globalization, Sustainable Development, Gross Domestic Product; National Income /Per capita Income.
Syllabus for Teaching Aptitude
Aptitude questions will be related to understanding teaching-learning process, classroom management and mentoring with special reference to teacher-pupil relationship. Teaching requires certain characteristics like ability to communicate, ability to deal with Children, ability to recognize individual differences etc., apart from analytical thinking and general intelligence. One who has these characteristics will be able to become a good teacher after training. Questions relating to these aspects will be included to test one's teaching aptitude.
Syllabus for General English
Reading comprehension, spelling errors, vocabulary, phrase replacement, error detection and word association.
Syllabus for General Knowledge And Educational Issues
Current affairs (India and International), Contemporary Educational Issues.
1. Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate's generalknowledge of the environment around him and its application to society.
2. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of every day observation and experience in their scientific outlook as is expected of an educated person.
3. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring Countries, especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Ecology,Economics, General Policy and Scientific Research.
Syllabus for Computer Awareness
Computer - Internet, Memory, Networking, Fundamentals of computers and Antivirus.
Exam Name | TS EdCET 2024 |
Conducting Body | Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda |
Application Period | March 06, 2024 – May 06, 2024 |
Late Application | May 07, 2024 – May 13, 2024 (with late fee) |
Exam Date | May 23, 2024 |
Exam Mode | Computer Based Test (Online) |
Application Fee | ₹750 (General) / ₹550 (SC/ST/PH) |
Official Website - https://edcet.tsche.ac.in/