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If you are looking for the best BDES-BACHELOR-OF-DESIGN-BDES---INTERACTION-DESIGN College in India then this is where your search stops. Students interested in pursuing a post graduation in engineering with the degree of Masters in Technology can check out the list of top BDES-BACHELOR-OF-DESIGN-BDES---INTERACTION-DESIGN colleges in India here. The admission procedure, fee structure, scholarships awarded, courses offered, and application process is also given here.There are innumerable great M.Tech colleges inIndia which have received top ranks in various fields over the years. These top BDES-BACHELOR-OF-DESIGN-BDES---INTERACTION-DESIGN colleges.India have the best facilities to offer to their students.

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#1 59,000

Placements at Vels University   

 Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS) is a representation of knowledge and possibilities. It is one of the prestigious, high-grade multidisciplinary University in Chennai. The university secures the highest number of placements offers in the region. Being the Top-ranked University in Chennai, VISTAS gives placement coaching and essential soft skills training to students from various schools of Engineering, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Arts and Sciences, Law, Physiotherapy and Pharmacy. Every year more than 3000 students engage in the job placement program out of which Vels University presents assured placement for 90% of students and 10% prefer for higher education or entrepreneurship as a career. The highest salary package nears 8 Lakh INR per annum and the standard is closer to 5 Lakh INR per annum. The High-level product-based companies and most significant tech titans are our Prime Recruiters. We have specially designed the Employability Skill Development Programs for VELS students to enrich their knowledge and skills.

Campus Recruitment
The Central Training and Placement Cell of VISTAS is committed to the professional progress of our students. We integrate career-related topics within our academic environment. This helps students in finding multiple ways to choose a successful career path. VISTAS – The Multifaceted University offers various personality development programs for the overall development and placement of the students. The Central Training and Placement Cell has the vision to secure good training opportunities and placements for the Engineering, MBA, Arts and Science, Life Science, and Pharmacy students. Every year more than 120 companies are visiting our campus with attractive salary packages. The CTC ranging from 8 Lakhs to an average of 5 Lakhs per annum.

Some of the top organizations and job recruiters, who have visited VISTAS for campus placements are TCS, Jaro education, Hexaware Technologies, Apollo Hospital, Pfizer, Photon Interactive, LH Global Hub Services Pvt Ltd, Atmces, Raetna Solutions, Apollo Pharmacy, IFB Industries Ltd, Wells Fargo Bank, CTS, Icon Clinical Research, Billroth Hospital, IBM, Object Frontier Software Pvt Ltd, Infosys, Madras Pharmaceuticals, Troikaa Pharmaceuticals, Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi Alliance, Invensis, Wipro, Vee Technologies, Alembic Pharmaceuticals, Konecranes & Demag, Bharath Logistics, Accenture, SKN Organics, Abbott Laboratories, Amazon, Pinclick, Capgemini, Domex e-Data, Annexmed, etc.

At Vels University, we continuously strive to assure that each student gets a job of his/her preference as per their qualification and ability. We are proud to share that VELS University is increasingly acknowledged by recruiters as one of the best universities. Vels University’s placement process aims to match the prerequisites of the job recruiters and the professional goals of the students.

The Procedure of Campus Placement Drive:

Skill Assessment / Aptitude Test (Normally written)
Group Discussion / Panel Interview
Technical Interview
HR Interview

Internship at VISTAS
Vels Institute of Science, Technology, and Advanced Studies encourage students to take up internships in different companies. In the final year of the course, students who undergo internships in both Core and IT domains are honored with a stipend. Internships help students to get proficiency in a particular domain and to get real-time experience on the job. It makes them aware of the best practices followed in enterprises. The opportunities for internships are provided through the placement cell as part of campus recruitment.

The stipend given on internship ranges from INR 8000 per month to INR 25000 per month.

Some of the organizations where our students have done internships are Goldman Sachs, Aditya Birla, IDBI, BTree Systems, ZIYO Digital, Apogee, FULL, Goldman Sachs, Team Everst, Cognizance, IDBI Federal, and United Nations.

#1 NIRF 2021

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