S.S. Duraisamy Nadar Maariammal College, Kovilpatti - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement
About SSDM
"Well done is better than well said" - Benjamin Franklin
This saying came true when Nadar Uravinmurai Sangam, Kovipatti laid the foundation stone for S.S.Duraisamy Nadar Mariammal College for the welfare of the student community. Nadar Uravinmurai Sangam has crossed fifty golden years as a pioneer of education running 7 reputed educational institutions in kovilpatti with the destination of education to youth crossing the hurdles of caste and creed. This valuable contribution of the Uravinmurai Sangam is a milestone in the field of education in kovilpatti.
"Knowledge is Power" Kovilpatti Nadar Uravinmurai Sangam knows the importance of this adage and realised the need for starting an Arts and Science College at Kovilpatti. The Government of Tamilnadu in its G.O.Ms.No 471 dated 22.07.96 premitted the opening of the unaided private co-educational college with the appellation S.S.Duraisamy Nadar Mariammal College at Kovilpatti. Soon the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University sent an inspection commission. The commission inspected the infrastructure of the college and based on its report, fresh affiliation to start the college was granted by the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in its letter No: MSU/CD/ Fresh Aff/96-97 dated 30.08.96
To fulfill the desire of the people in and around Kovilpatti the college started functioning on 6th September, 1996 in the campus of the Nadar Higher Secondary School with 52 students.
On 25.01.1997 construction for the college premises in the permanent campus at Kamaraj Nagar in Sattur Road was started. The House warming ceremony was performed for the new premises on 14.06.1998 and the college was shifted to this new campus.
The fundamental responsibility of our department is to develop students who are professionally competent and meet the challenges of dynamic corporate world.
To provide quality education for preparing students to compete with the global scenario
To equip the students with accounting and entrepreneurial skills
To build life skills through value based education and service oriented programs
To prepare students to face challenges in life
To install discipline amongst the students
To Provides exposure to students in the latest trends in relevant branches of knowledge, competence and creativity to face global challenges
To stimulate and mould the students for positions of leadership in business concerns and current scenarios
To promote a sense of civic responsibility, social commitment, and moral accountability among the students through social activities
Admission Procedure
Application forms are available at the college office on remittance of Rs. 100/- in person or Rs. 120/- by M.O. to the Principal.
Application should be duly filled in by the candidate correctly.
Filled in applications along with the follwing must reach the office on or before the specified last date, with a Registration fee Rs. 50/-
Xerox Copy of Mark Statement (XII Std) - 4 Copies.
Xerox Copy of Transfer Certificate.
Xerox Copy of Conduct Certificate issued by the ead of the Institution last studied.
Self addressed envelop of 28 x 12.5 cms size with stamp (Rs.5)
3 Passport size photos.
If a Candidate wants to apply for two or more courses, separate application form must be submitted for each course.
Candidate provisionally selected for admission will be intimated by post for an interview. The Candidates called for interview shall appear with their parents in front of the Principal along with their Original Certificates.
At the time of admission, S.C, S.T, M.B.C, B.C Students must submit their Community Certificate.
Selected Candidates will be admitted on payment of the prescribed fees for the I Semester in full and on production of all relevant certificates in original.
Fees once paid, will not be refunded, under any circumstances.
Admission is subject to verification of marks by the Director of Government Examinations and if the Mark Certificate if found to be bogus, admission is liable for cancellation, besides criminal action being taken.
Institute has 1 well equipped library with 8749 books 34 Journals
Sports Complex
The Institute has 4 sports complex within the premises
Institute provides 3 labs facilities for the students
S.S. Duraisamy Nadar Maariammal College, Kovilpatti
S.S. Duraisamy Nadar Maariammal College, Kovilpatti, Thoothukudi Cutoff 2024
S.S. Duraisamy Nadar Maariammal College, Kovilpatti Faculty Details
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