Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute - 2025 Admission, Fees, Courses, Ranking, Placement

Porur, Tamil Nadu - 600116

Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (SRIHER), Chennai

  Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (SRIHER) is a quaternary care multi-speciality hospital. The medical Centre was founded as a teaching hospital of Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute in 1985, with the intention of translating the experience and expertise in medical education into tangible and affordable health care to the community. SRIHER was founded by Sri Ramachandra Education & Health Trust on September 11, 1985, inder the leadership of Sri N. P. V. Ramasamy Udayar. It is now functioning under the dynamic leadership of VR Venkataachalam, Managing Trustee of the Hospital and Chancellor of Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute (Deemed to be University). Today, it is one of the leading Universities India and one of the largest Health care Educational Institute in Asia providing cutting edge state-of-art care for patients who walk through its portals daily.

  Sri Ramachandra University is one of the leading Universities of India. It is also one of the largest Healthcare Educational Institution in Asia.  In view of its academic excellence, the Government of India declared Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute as a Deemed University in September, 1994 under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956. As notified by the UGC, the nomenclature of the institution has been changed to Sri Ramachandra University in 2006. The University consists of Sri Ramachandra Medical College & RI and 7 other Faculty with over 60 Departments offering about 100 Courses. The University offers 71 Medical and allied courses at postgraduate level for qualified graduates and 9 courses at the undergraduate level for +2 (12th grade) students in medical, dental, Para-medical and allied health sciences disciplines through it's constituent College/Faculty located within the campus.  SRIHER consists of nine constituent colleges and faculties with more than 6000 students. It was founded as a medical college, and was awarded the deemed to be university status in September 1994. The Courses are approved by NAAC, PCI The institute is affiliated to SRIHER.

  Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (SRIHER), formerly Sri Ramachandra University (SRU), formerly Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute (SRMC & RI), is a private, not-for-profit, self-financing institute located in Porur, on the busy Chennai - Bangalore highway, a twenty minute drive from the Chennai international airport.  The University is spread over in a sprawling 175-acre campus that is lush green throughout the year. 

 The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranked Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research 83 overall in India in 2022, 48 among universities 15 in the medical ranking and 31 in the pharmacy ranking. It was ranked 1 among among private health science university in India in 2022 by India Today.  The college rankings were General - India NIRF (Overall) (2022) 83, NIRF (Universities) (2022) 48, Medical - India NIRF (2022) 22 and Pharmacy - India NIRF (2022) 31.  It is ranked 57th in University in Medical by NIRF 2023.

  The university offers 50+ UG and PG programs in the discipline of Physiotherapy, Dental Surgery, Orthopedics, Allied Health Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Management (MBA), etc. Admission is done on the basis of merit and cutoff criteria of the institute.  Admission is based on an entrance exam conducted by the University.

  The college offers the four and a half year M.B.B.S. course with a one-year compulsory rotating internship. There are 250 seats which are filled through NEET UG exam.[citation needed]

 SRIHER offers postgraduate courses in almost all subjects including surgery, medicine, gynecology etc. Similarly it offers a variety of Doctoral courses including MCh i Neurosurgery, Surgical oncology, Cardiac Surgery among others and DM in Cardiology, Neurology etc.

 Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research as join hands with IIT Madras to embark on a transformative journey in education!  SRIHER has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for MD/MS PhD Integrated programs.  This collaboration is set to redefine the future of healthcare education and research.

 SRIHER - IITMadras Education Collaboration Medical Research Innovation In Education

 Sri Ramachandra has the best physicians, surgeons and health care providers across all medical and surgical specialities and sub-specialities.  

 Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute.

 Faculty of Dental Sciences - Sri Ramachandra Dental College & Hospital.

 Faculty of Pharmacy - Sri Ramachandra College of Pharmacy.

  Faculty of Nursing - Sri Ramachandra College of Nursing.

 Faculty of Physiotherapy - Sri Ramachandra College of Physiotherapy.

 Faculty of Management Sciences - Sri Ramachandra College of Management.

 Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Technology and Research - Sri Ramachandra College of Biomedical Sciences, Technology and Research.

 Faculty of Allied Health Sciences - Sri Ramachandra College of Allied Health Sciences.      

  Hostels - There are about 2500 rooms in the hostels for men and women students. Good sized single bath-attached rooms are available for NRI/Foreign students. These hostels have quick direct access to the classrooms, laboratories, hospitals and the Sri Ramachandra - Harvard Library Learning Centre.

 Library - The Library has a collection of of  books, journals,  thesis and  back issues a along with a wide range of The Library is also known as 'Sri Ramachandra Harvard Learning Centre' owing to the historical inter institutional alliance with the Harvard Medical International. Boston, USA.

 Vidya Sudha - Vidya Sudha is a Learning Centre for Children with Special Needs. Vidya Sudha is uniquely designed daycare centre, where parents are an integral part of the plan and care process. 
Admission for NRI / Foreign students - Non-resident Indian Students and Foreign students are exempted from taking the All India Entrance Examinations conducted by Sri Ramachandra University for admission. 

 The Vision iof SRIHER is "To offer diverse educational programmes that facilitate the development of competent professionals and valuable citizens, who demonstrate excellence in the respective disciplines, while being locally and globally responsive in areas of education, healthcare delivery and research".

  The Mission of Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University) is to actively promote and preserve the higher values and ethics in education, health care and research and will pursue excellence in all these areas while consciously meeting the expectations of the people it serves without prejudice and in all fairness stay socially meaningful in its propagation of the various arts and sciences to enrich humanity at large.


Why Choose ?

Mission & Vision

 Sri Ramachandra Mission and Vision for Medical university
The Mission
 Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University) will actively promote and preserve the higher values and ethics in education, health care and research and will pursue excellence in all these areas while consciously meeting the expectations of the people it serves without prejudice and in all fairness stay socially meaningful in its propagation of the various arts and sciences to enrich humanity at large.

  The Vision
 "To offer diverse educational programmes that facilitate the development of competent professionals and valuable citizens, who demonstrate excellence in the respective disciplines, while being locally and globally responsive in areas of education, healthcare delivery and research".



Tab Tab 3 selected
Admission Process

Admission 2024-25

 Sri Ramachandra
Medical College Admission 2024 for various programmes is based on the
candidate’s performance in NEET. If you are applying for this college, these
valuable resources about SRMC Chennai will help you research the college

MBBS Admission Process

  Admission to various
MBBS Programmes at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research
Chennai is based on the candidate’s performance in NEET. Therefore, if you are
applying for this College, these valuable resources about Sri Ramachandra
Institute of Higher Education and Research Chennai will help you do proper
research about the College.


Entrance Exam

Candidates must qualify for
the NEET UG Entrance
Exam conducted by NTA; you can also check the NTA NEET
Eligibility criteria to get the dept knowledge.

Counselling Procedure 

After qualifying for the NEET UG
entrance exam, candidates must participate in the Tamil
Nadu NEET UG Counselling conducted by the Directorate of
Medical Education, Tamil Nadu. The next step is seat allotment, document
verification, and fee payment, which is the last step to confirm admission.

MD/MS Admission

  If you want admission
to Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research Chennai MD/MS
Course, you must follow the college admission procedure; here in this Section,
we provide detailed information about the PG Admission Process.

Counselling Procedure

Entrance Exam

Candidates must qualify for the NEET PG entrance
exam conducted by NBE; you can also check the NTA NEET
Eligibility criteria to get the dept knowledge.

Counselling Procedure

After the Qualify the NEET entrance exam, candidates must
participate in the Tamil
Nadu NEET PG Counselling conducted by the Directorate of Medical
Education, Tamil Nadu. The next step is seat allotment, document
verification, and fee payment, which is the last step to confirm admission.

Eligibility Criteria

 If you want admission
to Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research Chennai, you must
follow the college eligibility criteria; here in this Section, we provide
detailed information about the eligibility criteria.
Eligibility Criteria
10+2 examination or its
equivalent examination with 50% marks.
MBBS degree or its equivalent



  Considering the large number of students pursuing various courses from Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (SRMC & RI) (Deemed to be University), a Placement Cell has been constituted.

  The Placement cell is headed by Deputy Director- Placement, who is assisted by Placement Coordinator and dedicated faculty representatives from all the faculties/departments across SRMC & RI


  To provide equal employment opportunities for all the students.

  To manage Centralized Placement activities for all courses.

  To organize campus recruitment for the students with industries and various organizations of repute from all over India.

  To prepare students for campus recruitment by arranging training in Aptitude tests, group discussions, preparing for Technical and HR interviews through professional trainers.

  To promote career counselling by organizing guest speakers by senior corporate personnel and most importantly by the immediately placed senior students.

  To enter into tie-up arrangements with Industries & Corporates of repute for Campus recruitment.



and other funding support offered to students
A. Founder-Chancellor Merit-cum-Means
  The “Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher
Education and Research – Founder-ChancellorMerit-cum-Means Scholarship” has
been instituted by the parent trust Sri RamachandraEducational and Health Trust
to aid meritorious students from economically disadvantagedbackgrounds
undergoing courses of study in the constituent units of Sri
RamachandraInstitute of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be
University). The students who have passed University examinations (annual or
semesters) uptotheprevious year/semester in the first attempt are only eligible
for the scholarship. It isapplicable to the students undergoing the UG
paramedical programs fromII year onwardsunder all the paramedical programs.  Students desiring to avail of the scholarships
shall applyin the prescribed application form, through the Head of the
Department/Course Chairman/Principal, with attested copies of their marks
statement of the previous year Universityexaminations and income certificate.
B. Founder-Chancellor Cash Award
  Founder-Chancellor Cash Award is given to the students who obtain the highest
marks inthefirst year University examinations of all undergraduate programs of
this University. This CashAward will be issued during the University Day
Celebrations every year. C. Hospital Ward Technician Course
  Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research is offering a
CertificateCoursein “Hospital Ward Technician” for a period of one year to the
students who have passedinHSC (+2). Preference will be given to those who have
passed HSC with Science subjectsorNursing Vocations stream. No tuition fee is
payable and the students will be paid astipendfor undergoing this program. D.
Chancellor Under Graduate Summer Research Fellowships
 All UG students of all disciplines of the Deemed University are eligible to
apply for the75Summer Research Fellowships that are annually allotted to be
conducted fromApril toJunefor a duration of three months. Each selected
UG-Fellow is provided with a grant. Thedistribution pattern of the UG – Summer
Research Fellowships is MBBS: 30; BDS: 20; other
  UGs in Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Biomedical Sciences & Technology,
AlliedHealthSciences and Management: 25. E. Chancellor’s Post-Graduate
Dissertation/Project Subsidy scheme
  Post-graduates under all the Faculties of the Deemed University who are
requiredtocarryout a research dissertation/research project in partial
fulfilment for the award of their PGdegree would be eligible for this scheme.
Each candidate would be provided with asubsidyup to Rs. 25,000 towards their
investigational/project expenditures. F. Founder- Chancellor Fellowships for
Ph.D. Candidates        The Founder Chancellor Fellowships are open only to the candidates registered
for thePh. D. program of the Deemed University as full-time candidates. The eligibility
of candidatesapplying for the Ph.D. Program of the Deemed University under the
various Faculties of theDeemed University would be as per the “Ph.D. –
Regulations of The Deemed University”displayed in the Deemed University
website. All candidates applying for this fellowshiphaveto appear for the All
India level entrance examination conducted by the Deemed Universityduring
January and July, each year after due advertisement in the newspaper(s)
andtheDeemed University website
  The provisional selection of the candidates for award of these Ph.D.
fellowships will bebased on the merit of the candidates as per the entrance
examination marks obtainedbythem. The final selection of candidates for
registering for Ph.D. will be after approval of thePh.D. research proposal by
the Ph.D. admission committee after a presentation-cuminterview. Each
fellowship carries Rs. 12,000/- per month for duration of three years
alongwithacontingency grant of Rs. 25,000/- per annum. G. Publication Support
 All Ph.D. scholars, PG and UG students, whose manuscripts are accepted in
indexedjournalswith Impact Factor for publication, are eligible for this grant.
The grant to be paidorreimbursed would include only the printing charges as
specified by the publishers of theindexed journal which has accepted the
manuscript of the said author(s) basedontheinvoice received. The quantum of the
grant would be at actuals.


Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai Facilities
The university is endowed with many facilities like boys hostel, girls hostel, library, transport, sports, gym, cafeteria, auditorium, medical clinic, IT infrastructure, laboratories, convenience stores and many more. Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research facilities provide separate hostels for boys and girls. The hostel rooms are well-furnished and provide uninterrupted water and electricity supply. The university library has many resources like books, CDs, DVDs, journals, periodicals, thesis, etc. SRIHER facilities include a fleet of buses for the commutation of students and staff members. Separate fields are maintained for sports. For example, there is a basketball court, a full-fledged cricket pitch, a tennis court and many more. The university also has departmental laboratories.

Boys Hostel
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research boys hostel facility has a power supply, soft water supply and other basic facilities. The hostel avenues are surrounded by green plants and trees, which provide a pleasant and peaceful environment for studying and learning.

Girls Hostel
The university also provides a girls hostel with basic amenities. Single rooms are also available for comfortable accommodation of the students. The hostel’s peaceful environment facilitates concentrated learning among students.

Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research medical facility is available for both the students and staff members. The medical clinic provides a proper first-aid treatment.

The university provides a separate gym facility for boys and girls. Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research gym facility has modern equipment for workouts.

Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research library has collaborations with Harvard Medical International, Boston, USA. SRIHER library facility has a vast collection of books, reference books, journals, back issues, dissertations, theses, CDs, DVDs, online journals and many more. The library is very spacious and has a separate reading room. The library uses Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) to manage its day-to-day activities.

Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research sports facility include games like volleyball, basketball, cricket, handball, football and many more. The university has a separate cricket pitch, well-maintained football field, tennis court, volleyball court, basketball court, etc.

I.T Infrastructure
The university’s IT infrastructure facility provides multiple computer terminals well connected to the internet. IT infrastructure integrated with academics provides an active learning centre.

Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research cafeteria facility has hygienic and wholesome food. Small service counters in the hospital areas are also there.

The university auditorium hosts events like exams, seminars, conferences, convocation day, university day, etc.

Transport Facility
The university transport facility consists of a fleet of buses. SRIHER transport facility is not only used for day-to-day commutation of students and staff members but also used for community visits to PHCs and villages, field visits, etc.

Alumni Associations

The university has an on-campus Indian Bank facility and provides 24X7 ATM services.

SRIHER laboratories are equipped with modern instruments and apparatus and helps in practical learning.

Convenience Store
The university has small private stores like a grocery store, stationery shop, photocopy shop, etc. Post office facility for money order transactions and saving bank facility is also there.

Parking Facility
Students and faculty members can avail the exclusive parking facility of the university.


  Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University) - Transport

Contact No. – 154/354 (Extn.)

  SRU has a well-established transport department providing extensive transport facility. Apart from rendering service for day-to-day commutation of the staff and students within Chennai and its suburbs, the transport department also takes care of the following travel needs.

  Regular community visits of Nursing & MBBS students to PHCs & villages

  Academic visits of all the SRU departments

  Regular health camps conducted by various departments of the SRMC (SRU Hospital)



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Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute Faculty Details


Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute Contact Number, Address & Location Map, Chennai

No.1 Ramachandra Nagar Porur, Chennai - 600 116 Tamil Nadu, India.





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Admission 2024

BE Admission 2024
MBA Admission 2024
MBBS Admission 2024
BA Admission 2024
LLB Admission 2024
B Tech Admission 2024
ME Admission 2024
LLM Admission 2024
M Tech Admission 2024
B Pharm Admission 2024